Policy Areas

Formulate Development Projects



Identify pipeline concept and mobilize partners.

Responsible Party

UNDP Programme Officer

Explanatory Notes

Identify new pipeline concepts by analysing gaps in the programme’s theory of change that are not already being addressed. 

Funding and collaborating partners and potential stakeholders must be identified and consulted as early as feasible, ensuring a wide range of partners (international financial institutions, civil society, private sector, etc.)

A concept note may be helpful to articulate ideas for particularly complex projects or to obtain early support from partners. The proposed content can include: output(s) and linkage to CP outcome(s); approach, method and capacity development strategies; stakeholder analysis; potential implementing partner; potential main financing partner(s); and indicative funding requirements. 

For GCF projects a Concept Note is required, and for GEF Projects this concept note is called a PIF.

Create a new pipeline linked to the programme and Strategic Plan in the corporate planning system. If a new programme output will be needed to respond to the development need, make a note to discuss in the next Programme Steering Committee meeting.

System action points:

Create a project proposal in the corporate planning system, generating a project number with one or more linked outputs; link the proposal to the programme tree (country programme document output).  

*If the project is part of a portfolio, it will share the project number with other projects in the portfolio. A project budget is reflected in one or more output IDs. An output ID can only reflect the budget from one project with one implementing partner.

*If a decision is taken not to continue with the proposal, record this decision in the corporate planning system to close the proposal. 

1.1 ALT


For Environmental and Climate Vertical Fund Projects (those supported by the GEF, GCF, Adaptation Fund and other vertical funds), conduct an initial screening and assessment to determine if the conditions and criteria for accepting government requests for programming are met. 

Responsible Party

Project Manager

Explanatory Notes

Refer to the Oversight Readiness Capacity Assessment (ORCA) Tool: Frequently Asked Questions

Note that additional quality assurance must be provided by BPPS/NCE for GEF and GCF projects as outlined in the RACI.





Appoint a developer to formulate the project


Responsible Party
Explanatory Notes



If an implementing partner needs to be selected prior to developing the project document, see Select Implementing Partners

Otherwise, select an implementing partner at the appropriate time

Responsible Party

UNDP Programme Officer

Explanatory Notes

2.2 OPT


Develop initiation plan (if applicable)

Responsible Party

UNDP Programme Officer

Explanatory Notes

The GEF PPG Initiation Plan Template contains: 

  1. A guidance page 
  2. A standard cover page 
  3. A description of the activities/key deliverables and how they will be managed 
  4. A standard budget in the form of a workplan 
  5. Annexes.




Develop a project document that adheres to UNDP quality standards and partner requirements

Responsible Party

UNDP Programme Officer

Explanatory Notes

The project/portfolio document should attach:

  • The SESP and any related assessments and management plans
  • Detailed terms of reference for key project positions and the project board
  • Standard agreements such as the project cooperation agreement when a civil society organization is implementing and cost-sharing agreements
  • Standard letter of agreement between the implementing partner and responsible parties for the implementation of the project
  • Procurement plan
  • Project monitoring schedule plan
  • List of foreseeable knowledge products, if relevant

For further guidance, see: Handbook for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating for Development Results

3.0 ALT


For joint programmes with other UN agencies, a joint programme project document should be used.

For multi-donor trust funds, each has its own project template which is approved by a steering committee and included in an operations manual.

If UNDP is requested to be the administrative agent, contact the Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office: 

Responsible Party

UNDP Programme Officer

Explanatory Notes

UNSDG | Guidance Note on a New Generation of Joint Programmes

UNSDG Guidance Note on designing, managing and closing MDTFs



Ensure a wide range of stakeholders participate in the formulation of the project

Responsible Party

UNDP Programme Officer

Explanatory Notes

Stakeholders include any parties with an interest in the project, including target beneficiary groups, civil society organizations, governments, the media, UN agencies and donors
The participation of women and disadvantaged groups should be ensured throughout the project cycle, as appropriate
The participation of stakeholders ensures that potential opportunities and analysis, including lessons drawn from experience, are taken into account in project design
Participation promotes ownership, sustainability and commitment, without which the results are unlikely to be lasting
Ensuring participation requires time and resources; adequate provision should be made for these



Prepare fully costed project budgets to ensure that all anticipated programmatic and operational costs, including development effectiveness and implementation support arrangements are identified, fully costed in the budget.


Responsible Party

UNDP Programme Officer

Explanatory Notes

The requirements for developing a project budget are outlined in Prepare Fully Costed Budgets for Projects.
Refer to the detailed procedures for Costing and Budgeting of projects funded by the following partners:



Identify potential risks, and conduct further assessment and management plans as needed in a participatory manner


Responsible Party

UNDP Programme Officer

Explanatory Notes

The initial project Risk Register and SESP are submitted to the project appraisal committee as annexes to the project document and recorded in the Quantum Project Results and Project Closure Workbench.

Enterprise Risk Management Policy

Managing Risks Across UNDP Programming and Operations: Guidance Note 


3.3 ALT


Complete a risk assessment, including applying mitigatory measures, if UNDP plans to engage with the non-UN security sector. 


Responsible Party

Project Developer

Explanatory Notes

Refer to: Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations support to non-United Nations Security Forces (HRDDP) 



If the project is part of a portfolio, link the project with the portfolio number in Quantum.


Responsible Party
Explanatory Notes