Establishment of an Annual Rotation Catalogue of vacancies
Responsible Party
Explanatory Notes
- Based on the established tour of duty for rotational positions (as guided by the ICSC hardship classification of duty station and relevant UNDP policies), OHR/BMS in consultation with the Regional Bureaux, will establish an Annual Rotation Catalogue of positions.
- OHR/BMS facilitates update of post profiles of confirmed vacancies by the respective Regional Bureaux.
- Director OHR/BMS informs staff members who are due to rotate during the year and whose positions will thus be advertised as part of the Annual Rotation Exercise.
- Bureau Director request OHR/BMS to review position classifications if needed.
Vacancy Announcement and Application Process
Responsible Party
Explanatory Notes
- Vacancies in the Catalogue will be advertised for 3 weeks among the members of the Candidate Pools.
- Interested and eligible candidates will be invited to express their interest in up to 25% of vacancies in the Catalogue (maximum 6 positions).
- To be eligible to apply, candidates should be members of the relevant Candidate Pools (members of the RR pool can apply to DRR positions)
In considering their applications, candidates must take into account the following:
- In line with the objective of building a strong senior management cadre of staff able to effectively serve in various UNDP offices, countries and development/humanitarian environments, candidates, over the course of their career, will be encouraged to apply for and serve in positions in:
- countries of different types (e.g. middle-income countries, countries in special development situation, etc.);
- duty stations with different hardship levels (A, B, C, D, E);
- countries in different regions.
- In their applications, candidates will be required to indicate the order of preference of the positions they are applying for. They will also have the option to indicate their willingness to be assigned to any available positions in the Catalogue.
- Staff members who are currently serving in the positions included in the Catalogue may apply for other rotational positions, or any other positions available in the Organization that they are suitable for. The selection processes for the latter will be undertaken outside of the ARE.
Review of Applications and development of shortlists
Responsible Party
OHR/BMS Bureau management
Explanatory Notes
The shortlisting of the applicants and establishment of a list of shortlisted candidates for each position will be carved out by corporate shortlisting panels to be established for this purpose by OHR/BMS. Shortlisting will be conducted based on the criteria established for the selection exercise.
- To ensure corporate approach, corporate shortlisting panels will include a designated representative of the 'hiring Bureau', 1-2 designated representatives of other Bureaux and 1 representative from OHR/BMS. All Bureau representatives should be at D1 level and above for RR positions, and P5 level and above for DRR and other positions. OHR/BMS representative should be at the P5 level and above.
- Upon the closure of the application period, OHR/BMS will compile the lists of applicants for all positions and provide relevant documentation and information to the panel members.
Presentation of the shortlists
Responsible Party
Explanatory Notes
- Based on the results of the corporate shortlisting panels, OHR/BMS will prepare the Annual Rotation Exercise (ARE) documentation packages and submit them to the respective Corporate Selection Committees.
- The documentation package will include, among others:
ranked shortlists with the comments of the shortlisting panels;lists of all candidates who applied for each of the positions;summary profiles of the candidates.
Selection recommendations
Responsible Party
Corporate Selection Committees
Explanatory Notes
The Corporate Selection Committees will review the shortlists and recommend selections to be submitted to the Administrator (for the RR positions) and to the Associate Administrator (for the DRR positions) for approval.
Selection decision
Responsible Party
The Administrator,
Explanatory Notes
The Administrator and Associate Administrator will review and decide on the recommendations. Some recommendations may require re-consideration, in which case the respective Corporate Selection Committee will be convened again.
Implementation of the reassignments
Responsible Party
Explanatory Notes
Once the final decisions are taken by the Administrator or Associate Administrator, OHR/BMS will communicate with the selected candidates and inform them of the decisions.