June 20, 2023 -
The policy has been updated to align with the updates in the ICF policy and clarify the roles and responsibilities of BMS/OHR versus BMS/GSSC.
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April 24, 2020 -
OHR has published the UNDP Guidelines on Strategic Placements. The purpose of these guidelines is to instruct hiring units on how to document strategic placements. The new guidelines are linked under the main Recruitment and Selection policy and under the related documents section. OHR has published the UNDP Guidelines on the Use of P-6 and P-7 Level Positions. The purpose of these guidelines is to detail the characteristics of P6 and P7 positions to guide the classification exercise. The new guidelines are linked under the main Recruitment and Selection policy section and under the related documents section.
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April 23, 2020 -
Paragraph 28 has been updated to clarify the conditions under which a staff member which is seconded to UNDP from his or her government can be renewed. The Policy has also been edited to remove references to the recruitment and selection of Resident Coordinators.
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February 12, 2020 -
OHR has published the UNDP Guidelines on Detail Assignments for UNDP staff members. The purpose of these guidelines is to set out the conditions and procedures for detail assignments and to outline the roles and responsibilities concerning their administration, including selection and funding. The new guidelines are linked under the main Recruitment and Selection policy section and under the related documents section.
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January 01, 2018 -
As of 1 January 2018, the 'Termination of Appointment' policy supersedes the guidelines in the UNDP Agreed Separation Arrangements. Terminations of appointment and separations resulting from an approved Rationale for Change prior to 1 January 2018 will continue to follow the UNDP Agreed Separation Arrangements. The following changes were made in July 2017 and the reflected changes were made among others. 1. Clarifies the eligibility for General Service (GS) positions in New York was made. 2. Time-in-Post provision has been removed. 3. Provides a range of assessment methods. 4. Vacancy Announcements may be advertised internally and externally at the same time. 5. A shortlist for any assessment must be comprised of at least two candidates. If no female candidate is included on the shortlist, a Hiring Unit must document the efforts that have been made to identify qualified female candidates including re-advertisement. However, no gender waiver is needed. 6. Participation of national counterparts or government officials on UNDP interview panels is not allowed as either a panel member or observer. 7. Reference checks can be conducted by phone but they must be documented.
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