March 20, 2023 -
Following the launch of zero-dollar invoices in the Quantum payables module to support cost-recovery including delivery enabling services (DES) costs (formerly known as direct project costs (DPC)) and replace former GLJE capabilities, the Guidance Note on GMS Set-up in Quantum has been updated in step 2 of the procedures to reflect this.
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February 08, 2023 -
The Guidance Note on GMS setup in Quantum has been updated in procedure step 2 and step 6 to incorporate how to set up GMS share with COs for the global or regional projects, revising the GMS rate of a current project and impact of incorrect exchange rate applied to the GMS on payment in non-USD currency if using different Expenditure Item Date than the Invoice Date.
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January 09, 2023 -
The policy and procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP’s transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.
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December 11, 2020 -
Step 6 of the GMS Fee Set-up and Collection procedure table was updated with the most recent hyperlink to the actual average GMS PowerBI report, derived from actual GL expenses posted to projects. The hyperlink appears in the Explanatory Notes column of the Step 6.
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December 20, 2018 -
Step 6 of the GMS Fee Set-up and Collection procedure table was updated with the most recent link to the actual effective GMS PowerBI report, derived from actual GL expenses posted to projects. The link appears in the Explanatory Notes column.
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November 16, 2018 -
The GMS Fee Set-up and Collection policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.
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June 12, 2018 -
The latest procedure table updated with the most recent link to the Guidance note on GMS setup and reports.
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April 16, 2018 -
The GMS Fee Set-up and Collection main policy is now available in Spanish. To access the document, click the Spanish language tab.
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January 01, 2017 -
Adjustments to the POPP content on GMS income to reflect the changes arising from the 2017 enhanced planning exercise, including: a. A discontinuation of internal distribution of GMS income for all funds except those from Vertical Funds; b. A revised GMS rate calculator for UNDP, GEF, GFATM and MP projects c. Recording of DPC in relation to GMS exceptions.
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