March 04, 2024 -
The policy has been reviewed with minor edits implemented (no substantive change).
March 01, 2021 -
Following the approval by the Administrator of the decision to implement two-year renewal cycles for Fixed-Term Appointments, BMS/OHR is introducing a supporting measure to ensure that all new staff on initial fixed term appointments of more than one year are subject to a probation period prior to being confirmed in their positions. The probationary period will allow UNDP to manage the relationship more flexibly, so that managers can address problems, if any, before confirming a new staff member into a two-year appointment. Furthermore, it focuses managers’ attention on the first year of employm
March 04, 2024 -
The policy has been reviewed with minor edits implemented (no substantive change).
March 01, 2021 -
Following the approval by the Administrator of the decision to implement two-year renewal cycles for Fixed-Term Appointments, BMS/OHR is introducing a supporting measure to ensure that all new staff on initial fixed term appointments of more than one year are subject to a probation period prior to being confirmed in their positions. The probationary period will allow UNDP to manage the relationship more flexibly, so that managers can address problems, if any, before confirming a new staff member into a two-year appointment. Furthermore, it focuses managers’ attention on the first year of employment of a new staff member so that they provide the clear guidance which underpins a successful start in a new position in UNDP. Under the proposed policy, the probation period will give managers the opportunity to assess new staff members on the job, over a period of 10 months before deciding to either confirm or terminate the appointment. In certain circumstances, the probationary period can also be extended for up to 6 months. The policy is effective as of 1 March 2021.