March 18, 2025 -
The Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy has been updated to reflect the updated renewal criteria for G-4 visa per the update by the Travel and Transportation Section, Division of Administration, United Nations Department of Operational Support, as advised by the host country authorities. Renewal applications may be submitted if the G4 visa is valid for less than 90 days. Domestic visa renewal services for personnel assigned to the United Nations Secretariat, agencies, funds and programmes in New York, and their accompanying family members, have been relocated to the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA), Diplomatic Liaison Division in Washington, D.C. The G-4 visa procedure has been updated in the explanatory notes of Step 2 and of Step 3 to reflect current business practices. Step 4 of the procedure has been updated to align with the updated policy.
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February 17, 2025 -
The Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy has been updated to reflect the cessation of G-4 visa cancelation by the United States Mission of the United Nations. Step 2 of the G-4 visa procedure has been updated to reflect the use of UNall for visa requests.
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January 09, 2023 -
The policy has been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.
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December 15, 2022 -
The updated P-312 Clarification of Status of Family Members and Arrival Notice form, P-312A Clarification of Status of Household Employee and Arrival Notice form, P-320 Work Permit for Spouses Holding G-4 visas form, and P-321 Work Permit for Children Holding G-4 visas form are now available in the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy under the Templates and Forms section. The Template for transmitting to/acknowledging receipt of travel documents by staff in COs and the Template for transmitting requests for travel documents to TSS/ASD/BOM forms have been archived.
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March 17, 2022 -
The PT.61 “Application for G-4 Visa” form, available in the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy under the Templates and Forms section, has been updated to reflect the following:
- Stylistic changes on pages 1 and 2.
- Updated contact details.
- A change in the number of requested copies to 2 for all required documents.
- Addition of the marital status effective date on the supplemental page.
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April 28, 2021 -
The updated P.210 Application for US G-5 Visas form, PT.63B Request for Change for G-5 Visa Status and P.210AA G-5 Employment Contract Template forms are now available in the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy under the Templates and Forms section.
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June 15, 2020 -
The updated PT.61 Application for US G-4 Visas form is now available in the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy under the Templates and Forms section. (POPP-11-3261).
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September 24, 2019 -
TTS has updated two forms related to visas and introduced a new email address used for G-5 visa communication.1. TTS.1 form to include interns as an option of person type at the top of the application. 2. The visa application for dependents other than spouses / children (P.209) has both been updated. 3. The Visa Committee business email is now (which replaces
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March 15, 2017 -
Inclusion of Responsibility and Accountability Table.
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February 14, 2017 -
US Executive Order on 27 Jan 2017, ST/IC/2017/8, was added.
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February 05, 2014 -
New sub process with enhance guidance. Content was previously contained within Travel Requirements - UN Travel Documents. Applications for Non US Visas should be signed by the applicant at HQ.
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