February 28, 2022 -
The Rank-in-Post policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.
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December 31, 2020 -
The Rank-in-Post policy is now available in Spanish. To access the document, click on the Spanish language tab.
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January 13, 2020 -
The Rank-in-Post policy will be reviewed when the new Mobility Policy currently under discussion, is published. Until such time the POPP requires a clarification that the RR/DRR post selections are filled through the POOLs which straddle multiple grades, hence the Rank-in-Post does not apply to the POOL selections. The Administrator will continue to exercise his prerogative through the Executive Group to determine the grade that the incumbent will serve at.
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August 01, 2017 -
The Rank-in-Post policy was amended to reflect changes made to the Recruitment and Selection Policy, which includes the removal of minimum time in post requirements.
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June 01, 2017 -
Time-in-Post requirements were removed.
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October 14, 2013 -
Alignment and clarification of Rank in Post provision changed (paras. 2.2 and 2.3).
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August 17, 2011 -
Authority for time-in-post waiver
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