April 12, 2020 -
The policy has been updated to reflect the following: Updates to Annex 2 examples of information in the exception list, updates to URLs of linked documents and the shift from the United National Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) to the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF).
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November 06, 2019 -
In order to further strengthen UNDP’s commitment to make information about its programmes and operations available to the public, UNDP updated its Information Disclosure Policy (IDP) in July 2019. Key updates include the following; Amendment to the number of the Information Disclosure Oversight Panel from five to three, as well as its composition to ensure that a majority of the members are external to UN. The new composition would be two representatives from non-governmental organizations and/or foundations and one from the UN or UN agency. A competitive selection process to appoint panel members.
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August 11, 2017 -
The policy was updated reflect best practice in the review and appeal process relating to information disclosure. The new provisions are intended to ensure independence of the Information Disclosure Panel in its decision making on contested disclosures. For any inquiry, please contact transparency@undp.org.
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April 12, 2016 -
Independent nature of Information Disclosure Panel (IDP) is more emphasized.
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February 18, 2014 -
The IDP now includes requirements for "robust reasoning" to exclude information from the public domain. Amendments have been benchmarked against international best practice.
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