January 09, 2023 -
The policy has been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.
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November 16, 2021 -
The Temporary Appointment policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.
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December 22, 2020 -
The Temporary Appointment policy is now available in Spanish. To access the document, click on the Spanish language tab.
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May 02, 2018 -
The Temporary Appointment (TA) policy updates are in place to accelerate recruitment and streamline the processes to ensure that the TA is used effectively. The changes are as follows:- The TA can now be offered and issued for a period of 1 year and 364 days at the out-set;
- The decision to renew TAs beyond the initial 364 days is now decentralised and therefore no longer requires an exceptional approval by the Director, OHR;
- The budget and planning provisions for TAs have been streamlined to allow the recruitment process to proceed before confirmation of a budget allocation but requiring that funding be secured prior to the offer of appointment being issued;
- Alignment of the benefits and entitlements with the new compensation package;
- Alignment with the UNDP policy on the retiree earnings limit;
- Clarification on the granting of a with-in-grade increment for TAs with an uninterrupted duration of more than one year;
- Removal of references to discontinued contractual modalities (SSA/ALD).
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June 09, 2016 -
The following interim measure has been issued. The following provisions are effective until further notice. The Bureau Director is authorized to grant waiver of competitive recruitment for up to 10 (ten) Temporary Appointment (TA) positions per annum, per country office. (a) The process must ensure that the person selected is the best-qualified candidate to perform the job functions in a fully satisfactory manner;
(b) References must be checked prior to contracting/appointment;
(c) Contracting/appointing of close family relatives and other conflict of interest matters must be verified prior to contracting/appointment;
(d) The individuals must be medically cleared an enrolled in the applicable medical and life insurance policy prior to contracting/appointment;
(e) The appointment letter/contracts issued must be in compliance with the standard terms and conditions; and
(f) The individuals must be informed of the contract terms and standards of conduct as set out in the POPP.
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January 01, 2016 -
Reference to ALD and SOA have been removed. Reference to RCA and SSA have been updated.
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