January 09, 2023 -
The policy has been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.
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August 30, 2019 -
The standard delegated procurement authority of a Resident Representative or head of a business unit is US $200,000, except for Business units granted the exceptional approval to be exempted from the mandatory use of eTendering which will remain as $150,000.
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October 02, 2018 -
The Procurement Authority and Increased Delegated Procurement Authority main policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.
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April 25, 2018 -
The Procurement Authority and Increased Delegated Procurement Authority main policy is now available in Spanish. To access the document, click on the Spanish language tab.
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July 27, 2016 -
To streamline business process, requests for increase in delegated procurement authority from country offices should be submitted for decision to the respective Regional Chief Procurement Officers. Regional Chief Procurement Officers shall consult their respective Bureau Directors for clearance and if necessary may refer any matter to the Chief Procurement Officer prior to granting the increased delegation. Requests for increase from headquarters and out posted headquarters business units should be submitted to the Chief Procurement Officer.
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