June 01, 2023 -
The updated terminal benefits are in line with ST/IC/2019/16/Amend 1 in the policy when a vehicle is not provided. For travel occurring 1 June onwards, the terminal allowance with respect to each authorized journey for each trip by public transport to and from the air terminal or other point of arrival or departure to the hotel or other place of dwelling has increased.
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December 20, 2021 -
The Other Travel Allowances and Expenses policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.
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October 25, 2021 -
Updated the scope of individuals who may receive a full travel advance, reflecting the new PSA contract modalities, subject to certain conditions.
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February 05, 2021 -
The Other Travel Allowances and Expenses policy is now available in Spanish. To access the document, click on the Spanish language tab.
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August 01, 2019 -
Eliminated references to processing travel through the AP module. Revised the text that no advances should be paid when the estimated DSA and terminal expenses are less than $200 to leave it to the discretion of the Regional Center / Country Office. This change reflects the introduction of the travel request in atlas as the authorization and implication of processing advances as part of the travel work flow in T&E.
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December 01, 2017 -
The updated terminal benefits are in line with ST/IC/2001/43/Amend 4 in the policy when a vehicle is not provided. For travel occurring 1 December onwards, the terminal allowance with respect to each authorized journey for each trip by public transport to and from the air terminal or other point of arrival or departure to the hotel or other place of dwelling has increased.
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June 15, 2017 -
The reimbursement of the cost incurred by seat assignment and use of rental car have been updated.
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February 05, 2014 -
Modified entitlements related to terminal allowance and the reimbursement of expenses related to travel. Revised application of travel advance for SC holders. Enhanced guidance related to car rental and luggage. Removed travel claim content.
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