April 04, 2024 -
The policy has been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum/UNall in January 2023, replacing the use of the ACP online site. Quantum has integrated procurement processes with UNall, with procurement oversight review incorporated in the workflow of the procurement process.
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February 23, 2021 -
The Procurement Oversight and Procurement Review Committees policy was updated to reflect the streamlining of direct review for ACP/RACP Chairs that was approved in 2018 by BMS.
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February 11, 2020 -
​UNDP has changed its asset capitalization threshold from US $1,500 to US $5,000. This policy change will significantly reduce the volume (i.e. quantity) of assets in the asset register, thereby allowing UNDP to focus attention on higher value items. The change in policy should also result in a more effective verification and certification process. Clause 53 of the Procurement Oversight and Procurement Review Committees policy has been updated accordingly.
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August 30, 2019 -
The standard delegated procurement authority of a Resident Representative or head of a business unit is US $200,000, except for Business units granted the exceptional approval to be exempted from the mandatory use of eTendering which will remain as $150,000.
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December 14, 2018 -
Notes for the Ex-Ante in Section 54 of the Procurement Oversight and Procurement Review Committees policy was updated to reflect streamlining measures recently set forth by the Bureau of Management Services that provides exemptions from the need to submit for ex-ante review for successful previous experience and repetitive country specific (local) LTAs for country office operations supports such as for travel, security, cleaning service as there is sufficient specific corporate guidance and templates on the procurement of the said goods/services.
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July 26, 2016 -
The following changes have been incorporated:
- Direct review by CAP chairperson for contracts between $ 50,000 to $ 150,000.
- Reduction of committee members from three to two for quorum.
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