The Visual Guide to UNDP Cost Recovery provides an overall understanding of the procedures to recover costs for UNDP for delivery enabling services, general management support and UN agency services. The visual guide provides an overview of the process flow steps of all procedures, as well as the tools and guidance for cost recovery in UNDP with links to the relevant cost recovery resources in the POPP for each process flow step.
Delivery enabling services (formerly DPC) are when a project activity entails functions which require UNDP staff for effective execution, but full-time staff is not warranted, the project may source such services from UNDP staff not directly employed for the project, located in the Country Office, or in any other UNDP location. A project may also share personnel costs on any contractual modality for shared services in the office.
General Management Support (GMS) charges cover the costs to the organization that are not directly attributable to specific projects or services, but are necessary to fund the corporate structures, management and oversight costs of the organization.
UN agency services are services that UN entities may request from UNDP, driven by UN entities’ various needs at country, regional and global levels.