Identify individuals required to file an annual
Responsible Party
Head of Office,
Financial Disclosure Policy focal points
Explanatory Notes
The Financial Disclosure Policy identifies the main filing categories as staff at the D1/P6 level and above, those whose principal duties are in procurement and investment, others who have access to confidential procurement and investment information, and all Ethics Office staff. New filers who are entering any of the Financial Disclosure Policy categories of filers will be required to complete an initial financial disclosure statement, described as an 'induction' filing. The declaration must cover the 12-month period immediately preceding the effective date of appointment, promotion or change of function.
Notify identified individuals of their current obligation and filing requirement each year
Responsible Party
Explanatory Notes
The annual filing exercise takes place in the
March/April timeframe each year. After participants are identified from FDP
Focal Points and OHR listings of those in the affected grades, the Ethics
Office issues an email with all appropriate links and instructions, to each
participant for that filing year.
Preemptively gather necessary information in advance,
at the end of each calendar year, to ensure that their statements will be
complete and accurate, and can be verified by objective third-party
documentation, if so required. All questions should be directed to the
Financial Disclosure Policy focal point for the office or unit or to the Ethics
Responsible Party
Staff members in identified grade levels and roles generally designated to file
Explanatory Notes
Submit annual on-line statements
Responsible Party
Staff members in identified grade levels and roles generally designated to file
Explanatory Notes
Fill out an online form, disclosing sources of income and assets, outside
activities and affiliations, including those of his or her spouse and any
dependent children. All on-line submissions are kept confidential in a secure server
location and are used for the purpose of identifying, resolving and giving
advice on conflicts of interest. Supporting documentation is maintained in a secure location.
Access to disclosures and documentation is limited to Ethics Office staff and
their designees.
Review of statements
Responsible Party
Explanatory Notes
Review the individual statements to ensure the
information is complete and consistent. The information submitted is
cross-checked against a list of UNDP vendors and investment funds for the
filing year. Finally, outside interests and activities of filing individuals
are examined against relevant prohibitions or restrictions contained in the
UN Staff Regulations and Rules. The screening is intended to detect
potential conflicts of interest, which can be defined as situations where
someone’s private interests may or may appear to interfere with the proper
discharge of his/her official functions or obligations.
Provide clearance and advice
Responsible Party
Explanatory Notes
When the Ethics Office does not detect a conflict of
interest, the filer will be notified that the filing process is complete and
that no further action is required. When a statement shows interests that may
be incompatible with the filer's functions or status, the Office communicates
with the filer on the best ways to handle such a situation. For example, the
filer may be advised that he or she must file for approval to engage in an
outside activity or should resign from an outside position, or divest certain
holdings, if such activities or assets are incompatible with his or her
professional role and duties. Any gifts or honoraria received must be declared
on a Gift Declaration form and submitted to the Administrative Services
Division. Guidance on acceptability of gifts or honoraria is available on the
Ethics Office intranet site.
Verify statements
Responsible Party
Explanatory Notes
Conducts verification among a random sampling of filers of all grades and offices. Selected filers must, within the time specified, provide a copy of supporting documentation from a third-party, such as income tax returns (with exhibits), bank, brokerage or mortgage statements; articles of incorporation; and certificates of title or loan agreements, in order that the Ethics Office can verify the veracity of the disclosures.
Responsible Party
Explanatory Notes