January 09, 2023 -
The UNDP Policy For Protection Against Retaliation (PaR) has been updated to, inter alia, align the definition of a “prima facie case of retaliation” in the policy with that of the UN Secretariat’s Secretary-General’s bulletin on protection against retaliation for reporting misconduct and for cooperating with duly authorized audits or investigations. The revised policy also now stipulates that any request to the Chairperson of the Ethics Panel of the United Nations (EPUN) to review a PaR determination of the UNDP Ethics Office is to be submitted within 30 days of receiving notification of the determination.
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September 22, 2022 -
The UNDP Policy For Protection Against Retaliation (PaR) has been updated to incorporate reference to the new Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy (AML/CFT Policy): the AML/CFT Policy is referenced and linked as footnote 3 to Section 2.1 of the PaR policy, and also appears in the “Links to Documents” section at the end of the PaR Policy.
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December 10, 2021 -
The UNDP Policy For Protection Against Retaliation (PaR) has been updated to, inter alia, include provisions for the prevention of retaliation in applicable cases, which shall involve coordination between the Office of Audit and Investigations (OAI) and the Ethics Office. The policy has further been revised to expressly stipulate that all retaliation complainants (staff members and non-staff member personnel) are entitled to request independent review of any UNDP Ethics Office PaR determination by the Chairperson of the Ethics Panel of the United Nations (EPUN).
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October 14, 2019 -
The Protection Against Retaliation policy is now available in Portuguese and Arabic.
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May 11, 2018 -
The updated Protection Against Retaliation policy is in line with the latest Secretariat guidelines ST/SGB/2017/2/Rev1 and includes: protection of individuals who choose to report wrongdoing to an external entity in limited circumstances; reducing the turnaround time for Ethics to complete the preliminary review stage (from 45 to 30 days); changing the definition of retaliation so that it aligns with the most recent SGB; the option of recommending transfer of the alleged retaliator; and explicitly prohibiting retaliation against outside parties. Additionally, UNDP introduced the possibility of interim protective measures during the preliminary review stage.
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May 11, 2018 -
The Protect against Retaliation policy is available in French and Spanish. To access the documents, click on the French and Spanish language tabs.
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December 01, 2015 -
Procedures added. (No text change in the policy document.)
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July 01, 2012 -
This policy was expanded to include protection for non-staff personnel such as contractors, interns and UNVs serving in UNDP or another UNDP administered fund, programme or agency.
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