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​The procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.

​The purpose of the Write-Off Requests, Excluding Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets policy and procedures is to provide Country Offices, Regional Bureaus, Central Units and HQ Units (“Offices”) with the relevant policy and procedures, including the required due diligence for submitting a write-off request for approval in line with UNDP’s Financial Rules and Regulations. The policy and accompanying procedures are applicable to all items except for Asset Management: Property, Plant & Equipment (PP&E) and Asset Management: Intangible Assets. Write-offs pertainin ...

​The purpose of the Write-Off Requests, Excluding Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets policy and procedures is to provide Country Offices, Regional Bureaus, Central Units and HQ Units (“Offices”) with the relevant policy and procedures, including the required due diligence for submitting a write-off request for approval in line with UNDP’s Financial Rules and Regulations. The policy and accompanying procedures are applicable to all items except for Asset Management: Property, Plant & Equipment (PP&E) and Asset Management: Intangible Assets. Write-offs pertaining to PP&E and Intangible Assets are included in the Administrative Services policy area under the Asset Management – Property, Plant and Equipment policy subchapter and under the Asset Management – Intangible Assets policy subchapter.

​The updated P-312 Clarification of Status of Family Members and Arrival Notice form, P-312A Clarification of Status of Household Employee and Arrival Notice form, P-320 Work Permit for Spouses Holding G-4 visas form, and P-321 Work Permit for Children Holding G-4 visas form are now available in the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy under the Templates and Forms section. The Template for transmitting to/acknowledging receipt of travel documents by staff in COs and the Template for transmitting requests for travel documents to TSS/ASD/BOM forms have been archived.

The PT.61 “Application for G-4 Visa” form, available in the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy under the Templates and Forms section, has been updated to reflect the following:
- Stylistic changes on pages 1 and 2.
- Updated contact details.
- A change in the number of requested copies to 2 for all required documents.
- Addition of the marital status effective date on the supplemental page.

The updated P.210 Application for US G-5 Visas form, PT.63B Request for Change for G-5 Visa Status and P.210AA G-5 Employment Contract Template forms are now available in the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy under the Templates and Forms section.

The updated PT.61 Application for US G-4 Visas form is now available in the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy under the Templates and Forms section. (POPP-11-3261).

TTS has updated two forms related to visas and introduced a new email address used for G-5 visa communication.
1. TTS.1 form to include interns as an option of person type at the top of the application.
2. The visa application for dependents other than spouses / children (P.209) has both been updated.
3. The Visa Committee business email is now (which replaces

The Vendor Sanctions policy is now available in French and Spanish.

The Vendor Sanctions Policy was reorganized to ensure clarity and to better align with the functioning of the Vendor Review Commitee. Substantively, the main updates are (i) the inclusion of the Direct Review Process for cases that are deemed not to require a deliberative process; (ii) the clarification of the definition of a UNDP Vendor, providing for an exception under which the VRC may potentially consider cases concerning companies and individuals that do not fall under this category; and (iii) the inclusion of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), Sexual Harassment (SH), Human Trafficking ...

The Vendor Sanctions Policy was reorganized to ensure clarity and to better align with the functioning of the Vendor Review Commitee. Substantively, the main updates are (i) the inclusion of the Direct Review Process for cases that are deemed not to require a deliberative process; (ii) the clarification of the definition of a UNDP Vendor, providing for an exception under which the VRC may potentially consider cases concerning companies and individuals that do not fall under this category; and (iii) the inclusion of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), Sexual Harassment (SH), Human Trafficking and Forced Labor as Proscribed Practices. 

​The following policies are now available in Spanish. To access the content, click on the Spanish language tab of the respective policy page:Vehicle ManagementCorporate Purchasing CardTypes of Leases and Treatments in UNDP BooksAcquisition, Renewal and Termination of Premise LeasesEquipment LeasesRelocation ShipmentSecurity ClearanceDaily Subsistence AllowancePost TravelOther Travel Allowances and ExpensesRoute, Mode of Transportation, and Standard of Accommodation