The Vendor Sanctions Policy was reorganized to ensure clarity and to better align with the functioning of the Vendor Review Commitee. Substantively, the main updates are (i) the inclusion of the Direct Review Process for cases that are deemed not to require a deliberative process; (ii) the clarification of the definition of a UNDP Vendor, providing for an exception under which the VRC may potentially consider cases concerning companies and individuals that do not fall under this category; and (iii) the inclusion of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), Sexual Harassment (SH), Human Trafficking ... The Vendor Sanctions Policy was reorganized to ensure clarity and to better align with the functioning of the Vendor Review Commitee. Substantively, the main updates are (i) the inclusion of the Direct Review Process for cases that are deemed not to require a deliberative process; (ii) the clarification of the definition of a UNDP Vendor, providing for an exception under which the VRC may potentially consider cases concerning companies and individuals that do not fall under this category; and (iii) the inclusion of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), Sexual Harassment (SH), Human Trafficking and Forced Labor as Proscribed Practices. EXPAND
The Waiver of Liability for UNDP Vehicles is now available inFrench(document ID POPP-11-3047) in the templates library.
The Administrative Services Management chapter has been updated to reflect procedures on day to day management/maintenance of vehicles and on the use of the UN flag on UNDP vehicles and UNDP premises. The chapter now also provides guidance on usage of purchasing card for transactions valued less than USD 2,500.00 and details the associated approval process, including staff members’ accountabilities and responsibilities. The asset management procedures previously located in Contract, Asset and Procurement Management chapter have now been moved into Insurance and Asset Management se ...
The Administrative Services Management chapter has been updated to reflect procedures on day to day management/maintenance of vehicles and on the use of the UN flag on UNDP vehicles and UNDP premises. The chapter now also provides guidance on usage of purchasing card for transactions valued less than USD 2,500.00 and details the associated approval process, including staff members’ accountabilities and responsibilities.
The asset management procedures previously located in Contract, Asset and Procurement Management chapter have now been moved into Insurance and Asset Management section of Administrative Services Management and establish systems for accurate reporting of all physical assets in compliance with the UNDP Financial Rules and Regulations.
The Vehicle Management policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab. |
The following templates are now available in Spanish and linked in clause 32 of the Spanish Vehicle Management policy version. To access the content, click on the Spanish language tab. |
To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from UNDP operations, clauses 8 and 9 of the policy have been updated. Electric vehicles are now the default for the acquisition of representation vehicles and where electric vehicles are not feasible, hybrid vehicles are considered as the first alternative before combustion vehicles. The ceiling for the acquisition of electric or hybrid vehicles is changed to $45,000 while that of combustion vehicles remains at $38,000. |
UNDP has changed its asset capitalization threshold from US $1,500 to US $5,000. This policy change will significantly reduce the volume (i.e. quantity) of assets in the asset register thereby allowing UNDP to focus attention on higher value items. The change in policy should also result in a more effective verification and certification process. Clause 2 of the policy has been updated to reflect the capitalization of vehicles with a purchase price of $5,000 or more. |
Further guidance on preparing service bills to projects and recovering service costs (DES/DPC) is now available. The Zero Dollar Invoice (ZDI) shall be used for initial entries and subsequent correcting entries shall be done in the original invoices. Step 9 – Guidance on DPC Exception Report |
DPC account codes with better definitions to attribute UPL/LPL based services and DE advisory services have been added. A new fund code has been provided for CO stand-alone projects where a pre-financing could be essential.