Policy Areas

Formulate Portfolios



Design a portfolio.

Responsible Party

UNDP Portfolio Manager

Explanatory Notes

Follow the Portfolio Design Protocol, perform a system analysis of interrelated challenges, identify potential gaps in the programme’s theory of change that are not already being addressed, and formulate the portfolio theory of change.

Funding and collaborating partners and potential stakeholders must be identified and consulted as early as feasible, ensuring a wide range of partners (international financial institutions, civil society, private sector, etc.)

The portfolio summary and its theory of change may be helpful to socialize the portfolio and obtain early support from partners. 

If an implementing partner can be selected prior to developing the portfolio document, please see Select Implementing Partners

Otherwise, select an implementing partner at the appropriate time. Please refer to the Portfolio Document Guidance

The draft Portfolio Document must be quality assured (see Appraise and Approve) and a SESP must be performed before sign-off from the LPAC.



Develop a portfolio document that adheres to UNDP quality standards and partner requirements.

Responsible Party

UNDP Portfolio Manager

Explanatory Notes

The portfolio document must attach:

  1. Multiyear workplans.
  2. The approved portfolio QA report
  3. The approved Social and Environmental Screening Procedure.
  4. PCAT (and HACT) assessments.
  5. Risk register.
  6. Terms of reference for the Portfolio Board, the PSRC, and key management positions.
  7. On-granting provisions applicable to Implementing Partners.
  8. The full theory of change supporting the portfolio.

For further guidance, see: 
Portfolio Policy

Portfolio Primer



Prepare fully costed budgets to ensure that all anticipated programmatic and operational costs, including development effectiveness and implementation support arrangements are identified.

Responsible Party

UNDP Portfolio Manager

Explanatory Notes

The requirements for developing a budget are outlined in Prepare Fully Costed Budgets
For the portfolio budget template use the Portfolio Multiyear Workplan (as by the Portfolio Document).



Identify potential risks and conduct iterative assessment and treatments.

Responsible Party

UNDP Portfolio Officer

Explanatory Notes

The initial Portfolio Risk Register and the Social and Environmental Screening Procedure (SESP) are submitted to the appraisal committee as annexes to the Portfolio Document.

Risks will be iteratively identified and managed throughout implementation.

Enterprise Risk Management Policy

Managing Risks Across UNDP Programming and Operations: Guidance Note