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The policy has been updated to introduce the Portfolio Policy as a new delivery instrument. A new Formulate Portfolios procedure is published in the policy page which includes the steps necessary to design and initiate portfolios. The previous portfolio model (aggregation of projects) is now retired from the policy.

The improved design of UNDP’s Implementation Tool for the UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy is now available in the POPP. The tool consists of a guidance document and a risk assessment form, making it easier for use by country offices and offering the following enhancements: The tool is user-friendly in a designed format with improved graphics;Clearer distinctions on the key process steps and a few additional definitions are included;The risk assessment form is now editable, so risk assessment can be completed in the document itself. A tabulation feature is also included whereby insert ...

The improved design of UNDP’s Implementation Tool for the UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy is now available in the POPP. The tool consists of a guidance document and a risk assessment form, making it easier for use by country offices and offering the following enhancements: 

  • The tool is user-friendly in a designed format with improved graphics;
  • Clearer distinctions on the key process steps and a few additional definitions are included;
  • The risk assessment form is now editable, so risk assessment can be completed in the document itself. A tabulation feature is also included whereby inserting the risk assessment scoring, the final tally will automatically tabulate. 

These design changes in the tool will make the implementation of the Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations support to non-United Nations Security Forces (HRDDP) and use of the tool easier for country offices. 

The guidance document and the risk assessment form are published in Step 3.3 ALT of the Formulate Development Projects procedure of the Formulate Programmes and Projects policy page

Following the introduction of the new Portfolio Policy and the Portfolio Document Template, the Offline Risk Register Template has been updated to reflect the portfolio as a new delivery instrument.

Following the update of the GEF Project Document Template, the GCF Project Document Template has also been updated (version January 2024) to reflect the latest standard UNDP and GCF requirements.

The updated GEF Project Preparation Grant (PPG) Initiation Plan Template has been published in Step 2.2. OPT of the Formulate Development Projects Procedure and reflects the latest UNDP and GEF policies and requirements. Key updates made in the GEF Project Preparation Grant (PPG) Initiation Plan Template include: links to templates and guidelines;list of core indicators & Least Developed Countries Fund - LDCF/ Special Climate Change Fund - SCCF results framework worksheet;GEF submission deadlines and cancellation deadlines;references and guidance on Atlas changed to Quantum;Socia ...

The updated GEF Project Preparation Grant (PPG) Initiation Plan Template has been published in Step 2.2. OPT of the Formulate Development Projects Procedure and reflects the latest UNDP and GEF policies and requirements. Key updates made in the GEF Project Preparation Grant (PPG) Initiation Plan Template include: 

  • links to templates and guidelines;
  • list of core indicators & Least Developed Countries Fund - LDCF/ Special Climate Change Fund - SCCF results framework worksheet;
  • GEF submission deadlines and cancellation deadlines;
  • references and guidance on Atlas changed to Quantum;
  • Social and Environmental Standards (SES) pre-screening requirements, SES Toolkit, Stakeholder Engagement Plan; 
  • Total Budget And Work Plan, budget notes and list of eligible expenditures;
  • Risk register annex.

In addition, the updated GEF Project Document Template has been published in Step 3.0 of the Formulate Development Projects Procedure and reflects minor updates in Annex 6 UNDP Risk Register to align with the standard UNDP format.

The GEF Project Document template has been updated (version May 2023) to reflect the latest UNDP and GEF requirements. The main changes relate to:UNDP standard requirements 1. Clauses added and/or updated to ensure consistency with the principles of the UNDP AML/CFT policy, the definition of sexual harassment, the UN Security Council Consolidated Sanctions List and to address obligations on sub parties relating to SEA/SH and SES.2. Digital Solutions/Technology considerations were embedded in the guidance GEF-specific requirements 3. Key GEF dates and deadlines wer ...

The GEF Project Document template has been updated (version May 2023) to reflect the latest UNDP and GEF requirements. The main changes relate to:

UNDP standard requirements 

1. Clauses added and/or updated to ensure consistency with the principles of the UNDP AML/CFT policy, the definition of sexual harassment, the UN Security Council Consolidated Sanctions List and to address obligations on sub parties relating to SEA/SH and SES.

2. Digital Solutions/Technology considerations were embedded in the guidance

 GEF-specific requirements 

3. Key GEF dates and deadlines were updated and the legal terms and conditions as set out in the GEF CEO Endorsement Letter were reflected

4. Requirements and approval of Constructions works were updated

5. Additional guidance on safeguards and co-financing requirements was added

6. Project Extension guidance, clause on on-granting, procurement guidance and the annexes were updated

​The One Stop Shop document has been updated in step 1.1 ALT of the Formulated Development projects procedures.

The following policies and procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.Design  Performance Based Payments (Performance Based Payment Agreement Template and Low Value Performance Based Payment Agreement Template)  Appraise and Approve (the Development Project procedure and the Advance Authorization Cover Page Template in Development Project procedure, Step OPT)Implement Manage Change (policy and procedures)Report (policy and procedures)CloseClose and Transition (p ...

The following policies and procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.




The Formulate Development Projects procedure has been updated to align with the new UNDP-supported Guarantees policy which is linked in the Template/Guideline column of Step 3 of the procedure.

TheFormulate Programmes and Project policy and proceduresAppraise and Approve policy and procedures have been updated with the UNSDG-endorsedGuidance Note on a New Generation of Joint Programmes and itsannexes. The guidance note defines joint programmes within the UN development system reform context and articulates governance and management arrangements at the country level. The link to the guidance note in theFormulate Programmes and Projects policy has been updated in the first row of the table on page 5 and in paragraph 27. Step 8 in theFormulate Programmes procedures and Step 3.0 ALT in t ...

TheFormulate Programmes and Project policy and proceduresAppraise and Approve policy and procedures have been updated with the UNSDG-endorsedGuidance Note on a New Generation of Joint Programmes and itsannexes. The guidance note defines joint programmes within the UN development system reform context and articulates governance and management arrangements at the country level. The link to the guidance note in theFormulate Programmes and Projects policy has been updated in the first row of the table on page 5 and in paragraph 27. Step 8 in theFormulate Programmes procedures and Step 3.0 ALT in theFormulate Development Projects procedures have been updated to include the guidance note linked under explanatory notes and the guidance note's annexes are linked under templates/guidelines. The link to the guidance note in theAppraise and Approve policy has been updated in paragraph 29. Step 3.0 in theProject Revisions procedures of theManage Change policy have been updated to include the guidance note linked under explanatory notes.