The Deliver Results policy and Deliver Results procedure have been updated to include references to portfolio. |
The Annual Planning policy has been updated to include references to portfolio and a new Annual Planning (Portfolios) procedure has been published to reflect references to portfolio. |
The Social and Environmental Standards policy has been updated to include references to portfolio. |
The Project/Portfolio Cooperation Agreement with an Implementing Partner template has been updated to align with the new policies, including with the Policy on AML/CFT and with the Portfolio Policy. The updates reflect changes to include portfolio titles, portfolio numbers, and portfolio multi-year work plan numbers. |
The Select Responsible Parties and Grantees policy, Responsible Parties procedure and Grantees procedure have been updated to include references to portfolio. The following related templates have been updated:The Letter of Agreement (LOA) between UNDP and a Government Ministry/Institution or IGO for the Implementation of a Project/Portfolio where UNDP serves as the implementing partner template now includes references to the new Portfolio policy and enhanced details on activity descriptions, schedules, facilities, and payment structures.The Letter of Agreement (LOA) between UNDP and a Governme ... The Select Responsible Parties and Grantees policy, Responsible Parties procedure and Grantees procedure have been updated to include references to portfolio. The following related templates have been updated:
The policy and procedure and the Project Management Criteria for Designation of Intergovernmental Organizations have been updated to incorporate references to portfolio in alignment with the Portfolio Policy as a new delivery instrument. |
The policy has been updated to introduce the Portfolio Policy as a new delivery instrument. A new Formulate Portfolios procedure is published in the policy page which includes the steps necessary to design and initiate portfolios. The previous portfolio model (aggregation of projects) is now retired from the policy. |
The policy and the procedures have been updated to reflect the applicability of the programmatic quality standards to the portfolio as a new delivery instrument. |
The updated Delegation of Authority (DOA) agreement templates for the GEF Project Preparation Grants (PPG) and GCF Project Preparation Facility (PPF) have been uploaded. The updates made align with those made in the recently updated DOA master templates for the GEF and GCF full size projects. |
The improved design of UNDP’s Implementation Tool for the UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy is now available in the POPP. The tool consists of a guidance document and a risk assessment form, making it easier for use by country offices and offering the following enhancements: The tool is user-friendly in a designed format with improved graphics;Clearer distinctions on the key process steps and a few additional definitions are included;The risk assessment form is now editable, so risk assessment can be completed in the document itself. A tabulation feature is also included whereby insert ... The improved design of UNDP’s Implementation Tool for the UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy is now available in the POPP. The tool consists of a guidance document and a risk assessment form, making it easier for use by country offices and offering the following enhancements:
These design changes in the tool will make the implementation of the Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations support to non-United Nations Security Forces (HRDDP) and use of the tool easier for country offices. The guidance document and the risk assessment form are published in Step 3.3 ALT of the Formulate Development Projects procedure of the Formulate Programmes and Projects policy page. EXPAND