The explanatory notes in Step 6 of the Internship procedure have been updated to reflect the requirement that all mandatory courses must be completed within one month of entry on duty. The link to access the mandatory courses has also been added. |
The Internship Agreement Form was revised to align with the current policy prohibiting the shortening of an internship for appointment while not restricting interns from applying to positions during their internship. |
The explanatory notes in Step 8 of the Internship procedure have been updated to clarify that the internship stipends are currently under review by OHR. In the meantime, the stipend rates issued in 2023 continue to be applicable in 2024. |
The explanatory notes in Step 8 of the Internship procedure have been updated to clarify that the OHR Policy and Compensation Unit will periodically publish a schedule of stipends/remote stipends by duty station. |
Provisions have been included in UNDP’s internship framework to provide for remote interns who are eligible to a reduced stipend at the remote internship rate. Offices in non-family duty stations and other dangerous locations which are not permitted to offer in-person internships, will now be able to offer remote internships. Specific guidance to managers on how to best engage interns remotely is provided. |
The following policies and procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system. Classification of Posts Job Evaluation (procedures updated) Salaries and Related AllowancesMobility and Hardship (procedures updated)Overtime Compensation (policy updated)Pensionable Remuneration (procedures updated)Salary Advance (policy and procedures updated)Settling-in Grant (policy updated) Appointment and Promotion Interim Roster Rules of Procedure (policy updated)Mobility (procedures updated)Temporar ...
The following policies and procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.
Classification of Posts
Job Evaluation (procedures updated)
Salaries and Related AllowancesMobility and Hardship (procedures updated)Overtime Compensation (policy updated)Pensionable Remuneration (procedures updated)Salary Advance (policy and procedures updated)Settling-in Grant (policy updated)
Appointment and Promotion
Interim Roster Rules of Procedure (policy updated)Mobility (procedures updated)Temporary Appointment
Annual and Special LeaveAdoption Leave (procedures updated)Annual Leave (policy and procedures updated)Family Leave (policy updated)Maternity Leave (procedures updated)Paternity Leave ( procedures updated)Sick Leave (policy and procedures updated)Special Leave (policy updated)
Social Security
After-Service Health Insurance (ASHI MIP) (procedures updated)After-Service Health Insuranc (ASHI UN) (procedures updated)Dental Insurance_UN NY Cigna Dental Plan (procedures updated)Compensation for Death, Injury or Illness – Appendix D (procedures updated)Eligibility for International Benefits and Entitlements and Determination of Official UN Nationality (procedures updated)Group Life Insurance Plan (GLIP) (procedures updated)Medical Insurance: Medical Insurance Plan (MIP) (procedures updated)Medical Insurance UN NY Aetna Medical Insurance (procedures updated)Medical insurance UN NY Empire Blue Cross PPO Medical Insurance (procedures updated)Medical Insurance UN NY HIP Health Plan (procedures updated)Medical Insurance : UN Worldwide Medical Insurance Plan (procedures updated)
Travel and Removal Expenses
Chartered Medical Evacuation Travel (CMET) (procedures updated)Home leave (procedures updated)Family Visit (procedures updated)Medical Evacuation Travel (procedures updated)
Separation from Services
Mandatory age of separation (procedures updated)
Fellowship (procedures updated)International Personnel Services Agreement (policy updated)Internship (procedures updated)National Personnel Services Agreement (policy updated)Non-Reimbursable Loan Agreement (procedures updated)Service Contract (policy updated)
The UNDP Internship Agreement Form is now available in Spanish. It is linked in step 5 of the Internship procedures section 3.0. |
In order to help facilitate remote internships, the requirement for interns to be present in the office as a condition to receive a stipend from UNDP has been removed. |
Internship stipend rates, forms and FAQs are available here. |
Effective 1 January 2020, UNDP’s internship policy has been updated, within the framework of People for 2030, to:- Introduce payment of a stipend;- Expand eligibility to persons completing national service obligations;- Expand eligibility to students enrolled in postgraduate professional traineeship programmes;- Introduce accrual of leave at a rate of 1.5 days per month;- Clarify the obligations of the intern as well as UNDP’s;- Clarify that interns must be selected from as wide a geographical basis as possible and without distinction as to race, sex or religion;- Clarify areas of complia ...
Effective 1 January 2020, UNDP’s internship policy has been updated, within the framework of People for 2030, to:
- Introduce payment of a stipend; - Expand eligibility to persons completing national service obligations; - Expand eligibility to students enrolled in postgraduate professional traineeship programmes; - Introduce accrual of leave at a rate of 1.5 days per month; - Clarify the obligations of the intern as well as UNDP’s; - Clarify that interns must be selected from as wide a geographical basis as possible and without distinction as to race, sex or religion; - Clarify areas of compliance with Sexual Harassment and SEA policies. EXPAND