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The Family Relationships policy is technically revised for gender neutralization, alignment with the numbering of the revised UN Staff Regulations and Staff Rules, updated links, improved formatting for clarity, and/or removal of transitional measures, as applicable.

The policy has been updated to align with the updates in the ICF policy and clarify the roles and responsibilities of BMS/OHR versus BMS/GSSC.

9 January 2023

Classification of Posts | Allowances and Benefits | Salaries | Recruitment and Selection | Mobility | Types of Appointment | Types of Leave | Insurance Plans | Compensation | Entitlement Travel | Types of Separation | Fellowship | Personnel Services | Internship | Non-Staff

The following policies and procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system. Classification of Posts Job Evaluation (procedures updated) Salaries and Related AllowancesMobility and Hardship (procedures updated)Overtime Compensation (policy updated)Pensionable Remuneration (procedures updated)Salary Advance (policy and procedures updated)Settling-in Grant (policy updated) Appointment and Promotion Interim Roster Rules of Procedure (policy updated)Mobility (procedures updated)Temporar ...

The following policies and procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system. Classification of Posts Job Evaluation (procedures updated) Salaries and Related AllowancesMobility and Hardship (procedures updated)Overtime Compensation (policy updated)Pensionable Remuneration (procedures updated)Salary Advance (policy and procedures updated)Settling-in Grant (policy updated) Appointment and Promotion Interim Roster Rules of Procedure (policy updated)Mobility (procedures updated)Temporary Appointment Annual and Special LeaveAdoption Leave (procedures updated)Annual Leave (policy and procedures updated)Family Leave (policy updated)Maternity Leave (procedures updated)Paternity Leave ( procedures updated)Sick Leave (policy and procedures updated)Special Leave (policy updated) Social Security After-Service Health Insurance (ASHI MIP) (procedures updated)After-Service Health Insuranc (ASHI UN) (procedures updated)Dental Insurance_UN NY Cigna Dental Plan (procedures updated)Compensation for Death, Injury or Illness – Appendix D (procedures updated)Eligibility for International Benefits and Entitlements and Determination of Official UN Nationality (procedures updated)Group Life Insurance Plan (GLIP) (procedures updated)Medical Insurance: Medical Insurance Plan (MIP) (procedures updated)Medical Insurance UN NY Aetna Medical Insurance (procedures updated)Medical insurance UN NY Empire Blue Cross PPO Medical Insurance (procedures updated)Medical Insurance UN NY HIP Health Plan (procedures updated)Medical Insurance : UN Worldwide Medical Insurance Plan (procedures updated) Travel and Removal Expenses Chartered Medical Evacuation Travel (CMET) (procedures updated)Home leave (procedures updated)Family Visit (procedures updated)Medical Evacuation Travel (procedures updated) Separation from Services Mandatory age of separation (procedures updated) Non-Staff Fellowship (procedures updated)International Personnel Services Agreement (policy updated)Internship (procedures updated)National Personnel Services Agreement (policy updated)Non-Reimbursable Loan Agreement (procedures updated)Service Contract (policy updated)

​The Rules and Procedures for the UNDP Compliance Review Panel (CRP) are now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.

The Family Relationships policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.

The policy will take effect on 1 January 2021.

​The following policies are now available in Spanish. To access the content, click on the Spanish language tab of the respective policy page:Temporary AppointmentSelection and Reassignment Policy International Rotational Posts Rules and Procedures for the UNDP Compliance Review Panel (CRP) Absence Management Guidelines Annual LeaveFlexible Working Arrangements  Time off for Breastfeeding Termination of Appointment Performance Management and DevelopmentService Contracts
OHR has publishedguidelines on the use of P-6 and P-7 level positions. The purpose of these guidelines is to detail the characteristics of P6 and P7 positions to guide the classification exercise. The new guidelines are linked under the mainRecruitment and Selectionpolicy, section 2.0. 
OHR has publishedguidelines on Strategic Placements. The purpose of these guidelines is to instruct hiring units on how to document strategic placements. The new guidelines are linked under the main Recruitment and Selection Framework policy, section 2.0.

Paragraph 28 has been updated to clarify the conditions under which a staff member which is seconded to UNDP from his or her government can be renewed. The Policy has also been edited to remove references to the recruitment and selection of Resident Coordinators.