Policy Areas

Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA)


Present meal and hotel receipts with travel claim
Responsible Party


Explanatory Notes
Hotel and meal receipts: When requesting DSA for a stopover.

Hotel receipt: When Ad hoc, special hotel DSA rate or supplementary DSA is applicable.

Hotel receipt: When early arrival at the destination upon arrival from an overnight flight necessitates early check-in or when late departure at the destination necessitates late check-out.​


Calculate supplementary DSA as follows:
a) Take the difference between the actual daily room cost (including room tax and service charge) and the room percentage of DSA for the location;
b) Multiply the daily difference by the number of days of stay in the hotel;
c) Pay supplementary DSA if the product in (b) above is at least $50; pay if below $50 provided the period of stay is 3 days or less and (a) above is at least 10% of the total DSA;
d) Do not pay if the conditions in (c) above are not met.
Responsible Party


Explanatory Notes
Traveller or authorizing unit responsible for calculating travel claims

Actual room cost: $120; DSA rate: $150
Room percentage: 65% of $150 = $97.50
Daily difference: $120 – $97.50 = $22.50

If the traveller stays in a hotel for which there is higher DSA rate but the room percentage is still not sufficient to cover the actual room costs in that hotel, the supplementary DSA should be calculated using the Elsewhere rate for that city, and not the higher hotel rate. The DSA payment for that location will then be the Elsewhere DSA plus the supplementary DSA, therefore completely ignoring the higher hotel DSA rate.