The policy and the procedures have been updated to reflect the applicability of the programmatic quality standards to the portfolio as a new delivery instrument. |
The updates reflect the introduction in the policy of the Digital by Default approach as a mandatory requirement for programme quality. In the procedure, the updated Programme QA Template features two new questions: 1) Digital transformation, and 2) UN Volunteers. In addition, links to the new guidance on Project QA is provided in Step 1.0, Step 2.0, and Step 3.0 of the Quality Assurance (Projects) procedure. |
Following the launch of the new platform for the Social and Environmental Standards Procedures (SESP) and the Project Quality Assurance in Quantum+ (under Risk Tools) the Quality Assurance (Projects) procedures have been updated as follows: Step 1.0 Conduct a design stage project QA Assessment, including identifying management actions to address any areas that need improvement - The new Project Quality Assurance (QA) Design and Appraisal (Quantum +) link and the Project QA Design and Appraisal User Guide (Quantum +) have been added, and the QA Assessor has been described under Explanatory Note ... Following the launch of the new platform for the Social and Environmental Standards Procedures (SESP) and the Project Quality Assurance in Quantum+ (under Risk Tools) the Quality Assurance (Projects) procedures have been updated as follows: Step 1.0 Conduct a design stage project QA Assessment, including identifying management actions to address any areas that need improvement - The new Project Quality Assurance (QA) Design and Appraisal (Quantum +) link and the Project QA Design and Appraisal User Guide (Quantum +) have been added, and the QA Assessor has been described under Explanatory Notes. Step 1.2 Review project QA Assessment, make adjustments as needed and approve - The QA Approver has been described under Explanatory Notes. Step 2.0 Conduct implementation stage project QA Assessment every two years, including identifying management actions to address any areas that need improvement - The new Project QA Implementation and Monitoring (Quantum +) link and the Project QA - Implementation and Monitoring User Guide (Quantum+) have been added. Step 3.0 Conduct closure stage project QA Assessment and add summary comments and lessons learned as needed - The new Project QA Closure (Quantum +) link and the Project QA - Closure User Guide (Quantum+) have been added. EXPAND
The policy has been updated to incorporate evaluation aspects in programming quality standards as follows: (1) Specific guidelines on CPD evaluation plans have been added to the section on “Management, Monitoring, and Evaluation” in accordance with UNDP’s Evaluation Guidelines; (2) UNDP’s accountability to the Executive Board for the evaluation function has been reflected in paragraph 15 and (3) a link to the IEO’s mandate has been added to paragraph 8. |
The Programme Quality Assurance Design Stage Rating Tool has been updated to include criteria to assess digitalization and volunteerism. The new tool is applicable to Country Programme Documents submitted to the Board from June 2023. |
The paragraph on programming principles has been updated to reflect UNDP’s five programming principles: Leave No One Behind, Human Rights, Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, Sustainability and Resilience and Accountability. |
New Programming Instruments To reflect new elements introduced by the Policies on Quality Standards for Programming and Monitoring, most references to the Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) has been eliminated. When the reference to CPAP appears, it is alongside the UN Development Assistan+ce Framework (UNDAF) as CPAP to serve as country programme document signed with government that established national ownership of the programme. Annual Work Plans were replaced with Multi-Year Work Plans. The PPM chapter also updated links and references to the new project document template. It also remove ...
New Programming Instruments
To reflect new elements introduced by the Policies on Quality Standards for Programming and Monitoring, most references to the Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) has been eliminated. When the reference to CPAP appears, it is alongside the UN Development Assistan+ce Framework (UNDAF) as CPAP to serve as country programme document signed with government that established national ownership of the programme.
Annual Work Plans were replaced with Multi-Year Work Plans. The PPM chapter also updated links and references to the new project document template. It also removed references and links to old considerations of quality programming and project document check list, and replaced them with references to the new Quality Standards for Programming and the Quality Assurance rating tools at various stages. It also added pre-Project Appraisal Committee requirements for Country Programme Documents (CPD).