1.0 |
StepConduct a design stage portfolio or project QA Assessment, including identifying management actions to address any areas that need improvement. |
Responsible PartyQA Assessor |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesPortfolio/Project QA Design and Appraisal User Guide (Quantum+) The QA Assessor is accountable for project assurance, which is independent of the portfolio or project manager. A UNDP programme or monitoring and evaluation officer typically holds the project assurance role on behalf of UNDP. For GEF- and GCF-financed projects, project assurance is undertaken as per the requirements of the vertical funds, and these services are covered by the fee provided by the vertical fund. |
1.1 |
StepRecommend a decision on whether and how resources should, or should not, be committed to the portfolio or project. |
Responsible PartyLocal project appraisal committee, reported by QA Assessor |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesDecisions include: |
1.2 |
StepReview portfolio or project QA Assessment, make adjustments as needed and approve. |
Responsible Party |
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Explanatory Notes |
2.0 |
StepConduct implementation stage portfolio or project QA Assessment every two years, including identifying management actions to address any areas that need improvement. |
Responsible Party |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesSelect Unit, Year, Portfolio or Project, Project No and Name, and “Create New Implementation and Monitoring Form” |
2.1 |
StepReview portfolio or project QA Assessment, make adjustments as needed and approve. |
Responsible Party |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesThe QA Approver may consult others as appropriate. |
2.2 |
StepDetermine one of three possible decisions for the project and take action accordingly. |
Responsible PartyProgramme Manager |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesDecisions include: |
3.0 |
StepConduct closure stage portfolio or project QA Assessment, and add summary comments and lessons learned as needed. |
Responsible PartyQA Assessor |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory Notes |
3.1 |
StepReview project QA Assessment, make adjustments as needed and approve. |
Responsible PartyQA Approver |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesThe QA Approver may consult others as appropriate. |