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The Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy has been updated to reflect the cessation of G-4 visa cancelation by the United States Mission of the United Nations. Step 2 of the G-4 visa procedure has been updated to reflect the use of UNall for visa requests. 

The Travel and Transportation Section, Division of Administration, United Nations Department of Operational Support has updated the TTS.1 (2-19) form to include “US duty station” in field 19 without updating the version control on the document. The updated Form TTS.1 (2-19) : Request for United States Visa is published in the Templates and Forms list on page 5 of the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy document and in the Related Documents section of the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy page.

The policy has been updated to incorporate language adjustments for clarity and in alignment with existing UNSMS policies and the following updates to the ‘Other travel related information’ section:

  • The ceilings on the maximum number of passengers per commercial flight have been adjusted and Bureau Directors have been added to the line of approval in alignment with the UNDP’s Framework of Accountability for Security policy
  • Approval from the BMS Director will be required for more than 30 personnel on the same commercial flight. 

The Travel and Transportation Section, Division of Administration, United Nations Department of Operational Support has updated the UNLP application form as the TTS.2 Supplementary form is no longer required. The updated TTS.2 (12-23) - English (for UNLP) and TTS.2 (12-23) - French (for UNLP) form is published in the Templates and Forms list on page 3 of the policy and in Step 2 of the Application for UN Laissez-Passer (UNLP) and UN Family Certificates (UNFCs) procedure.

The Travel and Transportation Section, Division of Administration, United Nations Department of Operational Support has updated the UNLP application form and combined it with the TTS.2 Supplement Form. The updated TTS.2 (5-23)-E (for UNLP) form is published in the Templates and Forms list on page 3 of the policy and in Step 2 of the Applications for UN Laissez-Passer (UNLP) and UN Family Certificates (UNFC).

9 January 2023

Property, Plant and Equipment | Furniture and Equipment | Plant and Property | Leasehold Improvements | Corporate Purchasing Card | Lease Management (Premises and Equipment) | Establishing UNDP-supported presence outside a country office | Management of Local Presences | Duty Travel | Travel Requirements | Vehicle Management

The following policies have been updated to reflect UNDP’s transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system. Asset Management - Property, Plant and EquipmentAsset Management Property Plant Equipment PPE Furniture and EquipmentAcquisition and Maintenance (Furniture and Equipment)Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Furniture and Equipment)Disposal and Write-Off (Furniture and Equipment) Plant and PropertyAcquisition and Maintenance (Plant and Property)Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centra ...

The following policies have been updated to reflect UNDP’s transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system. Asset Management - Property, Plant and EquipmentAsset Management Property Plant Equipment PPE Furniture and EquipmentAcquisition and Maintenance (Furniture and Equipment)Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Furniture and Equipment)Disposal and Write-Off (Furniture and Equipment) Plant and PropertyAcquisition and Maintenance (Plant and Property)Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Plant and Property)Disposal and Write-Off (Plant and Property) Leasehold Improvements Acquisition and Maintenance (Leasehold Improvements) Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Leasehold Improvements) Disposal and Write-Off (Leasehold Improvements) Corporate Purchasing Card Corporate Purchasing Card Lease Management (Premises and Equipment) Type of Leases and Treatment in UNDP Books Acquisition, Renewal and Termination of Premise Leases Equipment Leases Management of Local Presences Developing a Business Case for Local Presence Clearing a Local Presence Setting Up a Local PresenceClosing a Local Presence Duty TravelAuthorizing Official Business TravelPost travelUN Travel Documents and National Passport (policy and procedures)Route, Mode of Transportation, and Standard of AccommodationVisas at Headquarters (New York) (policy and procedures) Vehicle ManagementVehicle Management

​The updated P-312 Clarification of Status of Family Members and Arrival Notice form, P-312A Clarification of Status of Household Employee and Arrival Notice form, P-320 Work Permit for Spouses Holding G-4 visas form, and P-321 Work Permit for Children Holding G-4 visas form are now available in the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy under the Templates and Forms section. The Template for transmitting to/acknowledging receipt of travel documents by staff in COs and the Template for transmitting requests for travel documents to TSS/ASD/BOM forms have been archived.

​Section 3.0 (procedures) has been updated to reflect the introduction of the UNall Service Portal. Changes were made to steps 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Application for UN Laissez-Passer (UNLP) and UN Family Certificates (UNFCs) procedure. Additionally, changes were made to steps 1 and 2 of the Application for UN Certificates (UNC) procedure.

The PT.61 “Application for G-4 Visa” form, available in the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy under the Templates and Forms section, has been updated to reflect the following:
- Stylistic changes on pages 1 and 2.
- Updated contact details.
- A change in the number of requested copies to 2 for all required documents.
- Addition of the marital status effective date on the supplemental page.

​The United Nations Travel Documents Programme (UNTDP) within the Travel and Transportation Section (TTS) of the Department of Operational Support (DOS) has issued an amendment to “Standard Operating Procedure for the Issuance of United Nations Travel Documents” (SOP). Updated guidance for the provision of ‘Red Laissez-Passers Without Insert’ (referred to as Exceptional Red Laissez-Passers or ERLPs) is outlined in the new SOP. A submission template for ERLP requests is provided. RRs at the D1 level or below will not receive a red UNLP unless the request is signed off by the UNDP Administrator ...

​The United Nations Travel Documents Programme (UNTDP) within the Travel and Transportation Section (TTS) of the Department of Operational Support (DOS) has issued an amendment to “Standard Operating Procedure for the Issuance of United Nations Travel Documents” (SOP). Updated guidance for the provision of ‘Red Laissez-Passers Without Insert’ (referred to as Exceptional Red Laissez-Passers or ERLPs) is outlined in the new SOP. A submission template for ERLP requests is provided. RRs at the D1 level or below will not receive a red UNLP unless the request is signed off by the UNDP Administrator and approved by the USG of DOS.