Following the introduction of the new Portfolio Policy and the Portfolio Document Template, the Offline Risk Register Template has been updated to reflect the portfolio as a new delivery instrument. |
Following the 2023 OAI GEF audit’s risk management recommendation, the BPPS/Vertical Funds Programme Support, Oversight and Compliance Unit has updated the Risk Management Framework for Vertical Fund Projects to include the Vertical Fund (VF) programme specific risks to be added to the Programme Risk Register platform in Quantum+ by the relevant business unit (i.e. Country Office) based on the result of PIMS+ risk dashboard analysis, in addition to the VF project specific risks to be added to the Project Risk Register platform in Quantum. The Risk Management Framework for Vertical Fund Project ... Following the 2023 OAI GEF audit’s risk management recommendation, the BPPS/Vertical Funds Programme Support, Oversight and Compliance Unit has updated the Risk Management Framework for Vertical Fund Projects to include the Vertical Fund (VF) programme specific risks to be added to the Programme Risk Register platform in Quantum+ by the relevant business unit (i.e. Country Office) based on the result of PIMS+ risk dashboard analysis, in addition to the VF project specific risks to be added to the Project Risk Register platform in Quantum. The Risk Management Framework for Vertical Fund Projects is published in the Monitor procedure, Step 2.4 of the Monitor policy page. EXPAND
Following the launch of the new platform for the Social and Environmental Standards Procedures (SESP) and the Project Quality Assurance in Quantum+ (under Risk Tools) the Monitor Procedures have been updated, as follows: Step 2.3 Assess quality at least every other year – The Project QA Implementation and Monitoring (Quantum +) link and the Project QA - Implementation and Monitoring User Guide (Quantum+) have been added. |
Following the launch of the new platform for the Social and Environmental Standards Procedures (SESP) and the Project Quality Assurance in Quantum+ (under Risk Tools) the Monitor Procedures have been updated, as follows: Step 2.3 Assess quality at least every other year – The Project QA Implementation and Monitoring (Quantum +) link and the Project QA - Implementation and Monitoring User Guide (Quantum+) have been added. |
The project risk register template has been updated to align with the updated Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy which has been harmonized with the Social and Environmental Standards (SES) policy. The risk sub-categories in the Quantum + corporate planning system (capturing programme level risks) and in the Atlas project risk registers are now fully aligned with the project-level social and environmental standards. The offline project risk register template (Annex 2) is aligned with the risk entry system in the Quantum + corporate planning system and with the risk appetite to risk signif ...
The project risk register template has been updated to align with the updated Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy which has been harmonized with the Social and Environmental Standards (SES) policy. The risk sub-categories in the Quantum + corporate planning system (capturing programme level risks) and in the Atlas project risk registers are now fully aligned with the project-level social and environmental standards. The offline project risk register template (Annex 2) is aligned with the risk entry system in the Quantum + corporate planning system and with the risk appetite to risk significance in the risk matrix (Annex 3).
The updated project risk register template has been published as follows: (a) in steps 1 and 2 of the Social and Environmental Standards procedures; (b) in step 3.3. of the Formulate Development Projects procedures; (c) in step 2.4 of the Monitor procedures.
The policy has been updated to add a new section on “Monitoring of Evaluation Plan implementation” (paragraphs 25-28). The updated guideline includes the process and content of annual and mid-year review of the evaluation plan; guidelines on the expected timeline for oversight; and monitoring roles and responsibilities of the country office, regional bureau, Bureau of policy and programme and independent evaluation office.
Updates were made across the programme and project management chapter of the POPP to reflect the shift from the UNDAF to the UN Cooperation Framework. Updates were also made under programme appraisal to reflect the shift from the HQ PAC, which quality assured completed CPDs at the end of programme design, to the IPAC, which assesses the programme's theory of change closer to the start of the process as a learning function.Social and Environmental Standards Formulate Programmes and Projects Development Services Select Implementing Partner Appraise and ApproveMonitor Provide Oversight Manage Ch ...
Updates were made across the programme and project management chapter of the POPP to reflect the shift from the UNDAF to the UN Cooperation Framework. Updates were also made under programme appraisal to reflect the shift from the HQ PAC, which quality assured completed CPDs at the end of programme design, to the IPAC, which assesses the programme's theory of change closer to the start of the process as a learning function.Social and Environmental Standards Formulate Programmes and Projects Development Services
Select Implementing Partner Appraise and ApproveMonitor Provide Oversight Manage ChangeReport
New Programming Instruments To reflect new elements introduced by the Policies on Quality Standards for Programming and Monitoring, most references to the Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) has been eliminated. When the reference to CPAP appears, it is alongside the UN Development Assistan+ce Framework (UNDAF) as CPAP to serve as country programme document signed with government that established national ownership of the programme. Annual Work Plans were replaced with Multi-Year Work Plans. The PPM chapter also updated links and references to the new project document template. It also remove ...
New Programming Instruments
To reflect new elements introduced by the Policies on Quality Standards for Programming and Monitoring, most references to the Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) has been eliminated. When the reference to CPAP appears, it is alongside the UN Development Assistan+ce Framework (UNDAF) as CPAP to serve as country programme document signed with government that established national ownership of the programme.
Annual Work Plans were replaced with Multi-Year Work Plans. The PPM chapter also updated links and references to the new project document template. It also removed references and links to old considerations of quality programming and project document check list, and replaced them with references to the new Quality Standards for Programming and the Quality Assurance rating tools at various stages. It also added pre-Project Appraisal Committee requirements for Country Programme Documents (CPD).