The following policies and procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.
Programming Standards
Social and Environmental Standards (procedures: Screening Template and Screening Procedure Guide)
Formulate Programmes and Projects (Formulate Development Projects procedures)Engagement Facility (procedures)Multi-Country and South-South Projects (procedures)Development Services (procedures)
Annual Planning (Projects procedures)Deliver Results (procedures)
TheFormulate Programmes and Project policy and proceduresAppraise and Approve policy and procedures have been updated with the UNSDG-endorsedGuidance Note on a New Generation of Joint Programmes and itsannexes. The guidance note defines joint programmes within the UN development system reform context and articulates governance and management arrangements at the country level. The link to the guidance note in theFormulate Programmes and Projects policy has been updated in the first row of the table on page 5 and in paragraph 27. Step 8 in theFormulate Programmes procedures and Step 3.0 ALT in t ...
TheFormulate Programmes and Project policy and proceduresAppraise and Approve policy and procedures have been updated with the UNSDG-endorsedGuidance Note on a New Generation of Joint Programmes and itsannexes. The guidance note defines joint programmes within the UN development system reform context and articulates governance and management arrangements at the country level. The link to the guidance note in theFormulate Programmes and Projects policy has been updated in the first row of the table on page 5 and in paragraph 27. Step 8 in theFormulate Programmes procedures and Step 3.0 ALT in theFormulate Development Projects procedures have been updated to include the guidance note linked under explanatory notes and the guidance note's annexes are linked under templates/guidelines. The link to the guidance note in theAppraise and Approve policy has been updated in paragraph 29. Step 3.0 in theProject Revisions procedures of theManage Change policy have been updated to include the guidance note linked under explanatory notes.
The project risk register template has been updated to align with the updated Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy which has been harmonized with the Social and Environmental Standards (SES) policy. The risk sub-categories in the Quantum + corporate planning system (capturing programme level risks) and in the Atlas project risk registers are now fully aligned with the project-level social and environmental standards. The offline project risk register template (Annex 2) is aligned with the risk entry system in the Quantum + corporate planning system and with the risk appetite to risk signif ...
The project risk register template has been updated to align with the updated Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy which has been harmonized with the Social and Environmental Standards (SES) policy. The risk sub-categories in the Quantum + corporate planning system (capturing programme level risks) and in the Atlas project risk registers are now fully aligned with the project-level social and environmental standards. The offline project risk register template (Annex 2) is aligned with the risk entry system in the Quantum + corporate planning system and with the risk appetite to risk significance in the risk matrix (Annex 3).
The updated project risk register template has been published as follows: (a) in steps 1 and 2 of the Social and Environmental Standards procedures; (b) in step 3.3. of the Formulate Development Projects procedures; (c) in step 2.4 of the Monitor procedures.
The following PPM chapters have been updated to align with the January 01, 2021 HACT changes:Select Implementing Partners (policy clause 7 and procedure step 2.0)Select Responsible Parties and Grantees (policy clauses 6 and 17; procedure table 1, step 3.0)Deliver Results (procedure step 3.0)
Additionally, the Partner Capacity Assessment Tool (PCAT) has been updated to align with the HACT updated thresholds and also includes procurement capacity assessment for GEF & GCF-funded projects.
The management actions to the OAI GEF Audit that have been completed to date have been uploaded to the POPP. This includes the RACI, the Delegation of Authority Letter and Guidance on GEF Project Revisions. The changes can be found on the following PPM pages:
Formulate Programmes and ProjectsSelect Responsible Parties and Grantees Appraise and ApproveManage ChangeReportClose and Transition
The RACI (Roles/Accountability/Consult/Inform) matrix is now available to clarify the roles and accountabilities for the GEF project cycle from origination to project financial closure, including oversight. This is only applicable for GEF-funded projects. It is linked in the relevant procedure steps of the following PPM chapters:
1) Formulate Programmes and Projects (Development Projects, Step 1.1 ALT)
2) Appraise and Approve (Development Project, 2.1 VERT)
3) Deliver Results (Step 3.0)
4) Provide Oversight (Step 1.0)
5) Close and Transition (Projects, Step 2.0)
Updates were made across the programme and project management chapter of the POPP to reflect the shift from the UNDAF to the UN Cooperation Framework. Updates were also made under programme appraisal to reflect the shift from the HQ PAC, which quality assured completed CPDs at the end of programme design, to the IPAC, which assesses the programme's theory of change closer to the start of the process as a learning function.Social and Environmental Standards Formulate Programmes and Projects Development Services Select Implementing Partner Appraise and ApproveMonitor Provide Oversight Manage Ch ...
Updates were made across the programme and project management chapter of the POPP to reflect the shift from the UNDAF to the UN Cooperation Framework. Updates were also made under programme appraisal to reflect the shift from the HQ PAC, which quality assured completed CPDs at the end of programme design, to the IPAC, which assesses the programme's theory of change closer to the start of the process as a learning function.Social and Environmental Standards Formulate Programmes and Projects Development Services
Select Implementing Partner Appraise and ApproveMonitor Provide Oversight Manage ChangeReport