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The policy has been updated to incorporate references to portfolio in alignment with the Portfolio Policy as a new delivery instrument.

The policy on pipeline has been updated to inform that pipeline is now tracked and managed in Quantum+ UNITY – “Partnership Opportunities” module. As a result, the pipeline is referred to as “Quantum+ Opportunity” and given a unique Opportunity ID. The non-core and XB (extra-budgetary) projection are now run in Quantum+ UNITY, with the adjusting factor being linked to the level of maturity of the respective pipeline. Pipeline/Quantum+ Opportunity is identified by a Maturity Stage. The Maturity Stage allows the user to define a level of Probability (as a percentage), that the pipeline ...

The policy on pipeline has been updated to inform that pipeline is now tracked and managed in Quantum+ UNITY – “Partnership Opportunities” module. As a result, the pipeline is referred to as “Quantum+ Opportunity” and given a unique Opportunity ID. 

The non-core and XB (extra-budgetary) projection are now run in Quantum+ UNITY, with the adjusting factor being linked to the level of maturity of the respective pipeline. Pipeline/Quantum+ Opportunity is identified by a Maturity Stage. The Maturity Stage allows the user to define a level of Probability (as a percentage), that the pipeline/Quantum+ Opportunity will result in a signed financing agreement and project document, if applicable. 

Resource Mobilization Forecast Reports across UNITY uses this adjustment factor to present both the Target Funding and calculate the Expected Funding based on the Maturity Stage and Probability of the Opportunity at the time the report is run.

Quantum+ UNITY “Partnership Opportunities” module captures and manages pipeline at the unit level as well as for corporate analysis.  The Quantum+ UNITY “Partnership Opportunities” module captures key information about pipeline/Quantum+ Opportunities, including brief description, maturity stage, implementing and funding partners, target funding (budget), sources of funding, approximate signature date, external partner contacts involved in the negotiations, currency, email communications, documents, related CPD output and more. Please refer to the Pipeline Management Guidelines and to Project Management Pipeline Management for more details.

The policy has been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.

The Accounting Guidance: Provision of Management and Support Services through the Memorandum for the Provision of Services (MPS) has been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.

The policy and procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP’s transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.

Disbursing Funds (Making Payments) | Prepayments | Regular Maintenance Accounts Payable | Refunds to Donors | Financial Statements | Record Retention, Data Security and Contingency | Certified Financial Reports | Maintenance and Usage of Chart of Accounts | Core Contributions | Non-Core Contributions | Revenue Management for Joint Programming | US Letter of Credit (LOC) Agreements | Accounts Receivable | Government Contribution to Local Office Costs (GLOC) from LIC and MIC | Inventory Management | Designation and Responsibilities of Signatories | Establishment and Use of Electronic Banking Systems | Opening and Closing of Bank Accounts | Cash Operations | Petty Cash Fund for Management Project (PCF) | Project Cash Advance (PCA) | Project Cash on Hand for DIM Projects (PCH) | Bank Account Reconciliation | Management of Cash Planning/Forecasting of Cash Flows | Management of Zero-Balance Account System | UNFCU Share Account Management | Supplier Banking Information Setup for IBAN | Electronic Funds Transfer Standards | Management of Petty Cash | Handling of Cash and Receipts Treasury | Project Petty Cash Fund (PPCF) | GMS Fee Set-up and Collection | Universal Price List (UPL) and Local Price List (LPL) | Multiple Funding Lines for Positions | Use of UPL and LPL | Harmonized Conceptual Funding Framework and Cost Recovery Methodology | Cost Recovery from Other Resources - GMS | Expenditure of Income Accrued from Cost Recovery | Government Contributions from Net Contributing Countries (NCCs) and High Middle-Income Countries (High-MICs) | Planning and Paying for Delivery Enabling Services to Projects | Service Clearing Account (SCA): Charging, Billing and Fee Collection | UN Agency Services | Pass-Through Fund Management: UNDP as a Participating UN Organization | Parallel Fund Management | Pass-Through Fund Management: UNDP as a Participating UN Organization | Pass-Through Management: UNDP as Administrative Agent (AA) | Pooled Fund Management
Disbursing Funds (Making Payments) | Prepayments | Regular Maintenance Accounts Payable | Refunds to Donors | Financial Statements | Record Retention, Data Security and Contingency | Certified Financial Reports | Maintenance and Usage of Chart of Accounts | Core Contributions | Non-Core Contributions | Revenue Management for Joint Programming | US Letter of Credit (LOC) Agreements | Accounts Receivable | Government Contribution to Local Office Costs (GLOC) from LIC and MIC | Inventory Management | Designation and Responsibilities of Signatories | Establishment and Use of Electronic Banking Systems | Opening and Closing of Bank Accounts | Cash Operations | Petty Cash Fund for Management Project (PCF) | Project Cash Advance (PCA) | Project Cash on Hand for DIM Projects (PCH) | Bank Account Reconciliation | Management of Cash Planning/Forecasting of Cash Flows | Management of Zero-Balance Account System | UNFCU Share Account Management | Supplier Banking Information Setup for IBAN | Electronic Funds Transfer Standards | Management of Petty Cash | Handling of Cash and Receipts Treasury | Project Petty Cash Fund (PPCF) | GMS Fee Set-up and Collection | Universal Price List (UPL) and Local Price List (LPL) | Multiple Funding Lines for Positions | Use of UPL and LPL | Harmonized Conceptual Funding Framework and Cost Recovery Methodology | Cost Recovery from Other Resources - GMS | Expenditure of Income Accrued from Cost Recovery | Government Contributions from Net Contributing Countries (NCCs) and High Middle-Income Countries (High-MICs) | Planning and Paying for Delivery Enabling Services to Projects | Service Clearing Account (SCA): Charging, Billing and Fee Collection | UN Agency Services | Pass-Through Fund Management: UNDP as a Participating UN Organization | Parallel Fund Management | Pass-Through Fund Management: UNDP as a Participating UN Organization | Pass-Through Management: UNDP as Administrative Agent (AA) | Pooled Fund Management

9 January 2023

Expense Management | Financial Closure of Development Projects and Trust Funds | Statutory Financial Reporting | Corporate Operations and Information Management | Regular Resources | Other Resources | Inventory Management | Banking Arrangement | Cash Arrangement | Cash Management | Enterprise Solutions | Cost Recovery from Programmes funded by Regular and Other Resources | Direct Project Costing | UN Agency Services | Joint Programming

The following policies and procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system. Expense Management Disbursing Funds (Making Payments) (policy and procedures)Prepayments (policy and procedures)Regular Maintenance Accounts Payable (policy and procedures) Financial Closure of Development Projects and Trust FundsRefunds to Donors (policy only) Financial Operations ManagementFinancial Statements (policy only)Record Retention, Data Security and Contingency (policy only)Certified Financial ...

The following policies and procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system. Expense Management Disbursing Funds (Making Payments) (policy and procedures)Prepayments (policy and procedures)Regular Maintenance Accounts Payable (policy and procedures) Financial Closure of Development Projects and Trust FundsRefunds to Donors (policy only) Financial Operations ManagementFinancial Statements (policy only)Record Retention, Data Security and Contingency (policy only)Certified Financial Reports (policy only)Maintenance and usage of Chart of Accounts (policy and procedures) Pipeline and Revenue ManagementCore Contributions (policy and procedures)Non-Core Contributions (policy and procedures)Revenue Management for Joint Programming (policy only)US Letter of Credit (LOC) Agreements (policy and procedures)Accounts Receivable (policy only)Government Contribution to Local Office Costs (GLOC) from LIC and MIC (policy and procedures) Inventory Management Inventory Management (policy and procedures) Cash Banking and InvestmentDesignation and Responsibilities of Signatories (policy and procedures)Establishment and Use of Electronic Banking Systems (policy and procedures)Opening and Closing of Bank Accounts (policy and procedures)Cash Operations (policy only)Petty Cash Fund for Management Project (PCF) (policy and procedures)Project Cash Advance (PCA) (policy and procedures)Project Cash on Hand for DIM Projects (PCH) (policy only)Bank Account Reconciliation (policy and procedures)Management of Cash Planning/Forecasting of Cash Flows (policy and procedures)Management of Zero-Balance Account System (procedures only)UNFCU Share Account Management (policy and procedures)Supplier Banking Information Set-up for IBAN (procedures only)Electronic Funds Transfer Standards (policy only in ICT section)Management of Petty Cash (policy only)  Handling of Cash and Receipts Treasury (policy and procedures)Project Petty Cash Fund (PPCF) (policy and procedures) Resource Planning and Cost RecoveryGMS Fee Set-up and CollectionUniversal Price List (UPL) and Local Price List (LPL) (policy and procedures)Multiple Funding Lines for Positions (policy and procedures)Use of UPL and LPL (policy and procedures)Harmonized Conceptual Funding Framework and Cost Recovery MethodologyCost Recovery from Other Resources - GMSExpenditure of Income Accrued from Cost RecoveryGovernment Contributions from Net Contributing Countries (NCCs) and High Middle-Income Countries (High-MICs)Planning and Paying for Delivery Enabling Services to Projects (procedures only)Service Clearance Account (SCA), Charging, Billing and Fee Collection (policy and procedures)UN Agency Services (policy and procedures) Financial Management and Implementation ModalitiesPass-Through Fund Management: UNDP as a Participating UN Organization (policy only)Parallel Fund Management (policy only)Pass-Through Fund Management: UNDP as a Participating UN Organization (policy only)Pass-Through Management: UNDP as Administrative Agent (AA) (policy only)Pooled Fund Management (policy and procedures)

​While the effective date remains the same, the content has been reviewed without changes.

The following policies are now available in French. To access the content, click on the French language tab of the respective policy page: 1. Country Co-Financing Cost Sharing (Fund 11888) and Non-Earmarked Programme Cost Sharing (Fund 30083) 2. Trust Fund Management 3. Certified Donor Reports
​ The following policies are now available in French. To access the content, click on the French language tab of the respective policy page: 1. Project Petty Cash Fund (PPCF). 2. Project Cash on Hand for DIM Projects (PCH). 3. Bank Account Reconciliation. 4. Government Local Office Cost (GLOC) Valuation of the In-Kind Contribution. 5. Safe Management. 6. Creating and Approving Vendors. 7. Handling Cash and Receipts. 8. Working with External Auditors.

​The accounting guidance on the provision of management and support services has been published. The purpose of this guidance is to prescribe the accounting and reporting in relation to MPS management projects, including those MPS management projects related to COVID-19.