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The Managing Risks Across UNDP Programming and Operations: Guidance Note was updated to include:

  • the new digital risk assessment tools
  • links to the project and programme risk dashboards to support high risks monitoring including mitigation measures
  • portfolio level risk management

Following the introduction of the new Portfolio Policy, the Visual Guide: Enterprise Risk Management has been updated to reflect portfolio level risk management process and escalation. 

Following the introduction of the new Portfolio Policy and the Portfolio Document Template, the Offline Risk Register Template has been updated to reflect the portfolio as a new delivery instrument.

The Risk Appetite Statement, the Risk Appetite Statement Guidance, the Project Risk Register Template, the Risk Escalation Guideline, the Examples of Financial Quantification of Identified Risk and the Managing Risks Across UNDP Programming and Operations: Guidance Note are now available in French and in Spanish:Risk Appetite Statement: French | SpanishRisk Appetite Statement Guidance: French | SpanishProject Risk Register Template: French | Spanish Risk Escalation Guideline: French | Spanish Examples of Financial Quantification of Identified Risk: French | Spanish Managing Risk ...

The Managing Risks Across Progamming and Operations Guidance Note is published as a related document in the policy page.

The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy has been amended to introduce text to the policy regarding: (i) a Corporate Vetting Committee (the Risk Committee), relating to the implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering / Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) policy; (ii) the Senior Designated Officer (SDO) and Chief Risk Officer; and (iii) a revised Summary Table of UNDP Risk Management Roles and Responsibilities. The policy amendments also include text to emphasize the need for coherent and harmonized approach across UNDP’s programme and operations on risk management.

​The offline Project Risk Register template and the policy have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.

​The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy and procedures have been updated to align with the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Policy. Appendix 2: ERM Risk Categories and Sub-Categories in the ERM policy has been updated with a new AML/CFT risk sub-category '5.6. Exposure to entities involved in money laundering and terrorism financing' under risk category '5. Reputational'. The Risk Appetite Statement Guidance has been updated with the new AML/CFT risk sub-category in Annex 1 (Risk Categories and Sub-Categories) and Annex 4 (Risk Appetite Summary) ha ...

​A visual guide on enterprise risk management has been published in the Enterprise Risk Management policy pagehere and in Business Processeshere. The guide provides an overview of the business process flow steps of all procedures, as well as the tools and guidance on risk management starting from establishing the context, risk assessment, risk treatment, monitoring and review and finally communication and consultation. Links to the relevant resources in the POPP for each process flow step are also included. These are the direct links to the guides in pdf: Full GuideIntegrated Risk Module for R ...

The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy has been harmonized with the Social and Environmental Standards (SES) policy. The risk sub-categories in the Quantum + corporate planning system (capturing programme level risks) and in the Atlas project risk registers are now fully aligned with the project-level social and environmental standards. To align the risk entry systems, a slight rewording of ten risk sub-categories has been made and the risk sub-category on “Cultural Heritage” has been re-introduced in the relevant annexes of the ERM policy, Risk Appetite Statement and Risk Appetite Statem ...