The Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy has been updated to reflect the cessation of G-4 visa cancelation by the United States Mission of the United Nations. Step 2 of the G-4 visa procedure has been updated to reflect the use of UNall for visa requests. |
The Travel and Transportation Section, Division of Administration, United Nations Department of Operational Support has updated the TTS.1 (2-19) form to include “US duty station” in field 19 without updating the version control on the document. The updated Form TTS.1 (2-19) : Request for United States Visa is published in the Templates and Forms list on page 5 of the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy document and in the Related Documents section of the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy page. |
The updated P-312 Clarification of Status of Family Members and Arrival Notice form, P-312A Clarification of Status of Household Employee and Arrival Notice form, P-320 Work Permit for Spouses Holding G-4 visas form, and P-321 Work Permit for Children Holding G-4 visas form are now available in the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy under the Templates and Forms section. The Template for transmitting to/acknowledging receipt of travel documents by staff in COs and the Template for transmitting requests for travel documents to TSS/ASD/BOM forms have been archived. |
The PT.61 “Application for G-4 Visa” form, available in the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy under the Templates and Forms section, has been updated to reflect the following: - Stylistic changes on pages 1 and 2. - Updated contact details. - A change in the number of requested copies to 2 for all required documents. - Addition of the marital status effective date on the supplemental page. |
The updated P.210 Application for US G-5 Visas form, PT.63B Request for Change for G-5 Visa Status and P.210AA G-5 Employment Contract Template forms are now available in the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy under the Templates and Forms section. |
The updated PT.61 Application for US G-4 Visas form is now available in the Visas at Headquarters (New York) policy under the Templates and Forms section. (POPP-11-3261). |
TTS has updated two forms related to visas and introduced a new email address used for G-5 visa communication.
1. TTS.1 form to include interns as an option of person type at the top of the application. 2. The visa application for dependents other than spouses / children (P.209) has both been updated. 3. The Visa Committee business email is now (which replaces |