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​The following policies are now available in Spanish. To access the content, click on the Spanish language tab of the respective policy page:Temporary AppointmentSelection and Reassignment Policy International Rotational Posts Rules and Procedures for the UNDP Compliance Review Panel (CRP) Absence Management Guidelines Annual LeaveFlexible Working Arrangements  Time off for Breastfeeding Termination of Appointment Performance Management and DevelopmentService Contracts
OHR has publishedguidelines on the use of P-6 and P-7 level positions. The purpose of these guidelines is to detail the characteristics of P6 and P7 positions to guide the classification exercise. The new guidelines are linked under the mainRecruitment and Selectionpolicy, section 2.0. 
OHR has publishedguidelines on Strategic Placements. The purpose of these guidelines is to instruct hiring units on how to document strategic placements. The new guidelines are linked under the main Recruitment and Selection Framework policy, section 2.0.

Paragraph 28 has been updated to clarify the conditions under which a staff member which is seconded to UNDP from his or her government can be renewed. The Policy has also been edited to remove references to the recruitment and selection of Resident Coordinators.

​The following policies are now available in Spanish. To access the content, click on the Spanish language tab of the respective policy page:Transition PoolFamily RelationshipsSalary Advance Overtime Compensation

​OHR has published guidelines on the use of detail assignments for UNDP staff members. The purpose of these guidelines is to set out the conditions and procedures for detail assignments and to outline the roles and responsibilities concerning their administration, including selection and funding. The new guidelines are linked under the main Recruitment and Selection policy, section 2.0.

13 January 2020


The Rank-in-Post policy will be reviewed when the new Mobility Policy currently under discussion, is published. Until such time the POPP requires a clarification that the RR/DRR post selections are filled through the POOLs which straddle multiple grades, hence the Rank-in-Post does not apply to the POOL selections. The Administrator will continue to exercise his prerogative through the Executive Group to determine the grade that the incumbent will serve at.

The policy on eligibility for international benefits and entitlements and determination of official UN nationality guides staff members on UNDP's practice and procedures on how it determines the nationality of a new staff member on appointment or when a new nationality is acquired during service. The policy also guides on the eligibility of staff members for international benefits and entitlements in posts subject to international recruitment. The policy also reminds staff of their obligation to inform UNDP if they intend to acquire permanent residence status in any other country other than th ...

The policy on eligibility for international benefits and entitlements and determination of official UN nationality guides staff members on UNDP's practice and procedures on how it determines the nationality of a new staff member on appointment or when a new nationality is acquired during service. The policy also guides on the eligibility of staff members for international benefits and entitlements in posts subject to international recruitment. The policy also reminds staff of their obligation to inform UNDP if they intend to acquire permanent residence status in any other country other than that of their own nationality of intend to change or obtain a new nationality.

The Temporary Appointment (TA) policy updates are in place to accelerate recruitment and streamline the processes to ensure that the TA is used effectively. The changes are as follows:- The TA can now be offered and issued for a period of 1 year and 364 days at the out-set;- The decision to renew TAs beyond the initial 364 days is now decentralised and therefore no longer requires an exceptional approval by the Director, OHR;- The budget and planning provisions for TAs have been streamlined to allow the recruitment process to proceed before confirmation of a budget alloca ...

The Temporary Appointment (TA) policy updates are in place to accelerate recruitment and streamline the processes to ensure that the TA is used effectively. The changes are as follows:
- The TA can now be offered and issued for a period of 1 year and 364 days at the out-set;
- The decision to renew TAs beyond the initial 364 days is now decentralised and therefore no longer requires an exceptional approval by the Director, OHR;
- The budget and planning provisions for TAs have been streamlined to allow the recruitment process to proceed before confirmation of a budget allocation but requiring that funding be secured prior to the offer of appointment being issued;
- Alignment of the benefits and entitlements with the new compensation package;
- Alignment with the UNDP policy on the retiree earnings limit;
- Clarification on the granting of a with-in-grade increment for TAs with an uninterrupted duration of more than one year;
- Removal of references to discontinued contractual modalities (SSA/ALD).

The guidelines on UNDP Agreed Separation Arrangements in the Recruitment and Selection policy have been deleted as they are now superseded by the new Termination of Appointment Policy. and separations resulting from an approved Rationale for Change prior to 1 January 2018 will continue to follow the UNDP Agreed Separation Arrangements.