1 |
StepDelegate the Head of Office to designate and maintain the panel of signatories for locally domiciled bank accounts. |
Responsible PartyTreasurer |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesUNDP staff cannot serve as signatories on the bank accounts of other UN entities or national execution (NEX)/NIM projects. |
2 |
StepMaintain a central data base of signatories to all UNDP Accounts and retain the responsibility to maintain the signatory panel for zero-balance accounts. |
Responsible PartyTreasurer |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory Notes |
3 |
StepReview whether or not a Transactional Signer is required for the account and inform Treasury through the established channel. |
Responsible PartyHead of Office |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesSignatories that operate a bank account are defined as “Transactional Signers.” Transactional Signers are only authorized to sign written payment instructions (such as cheques or transmittal letters) to the bank. |
4 |
StepObtain written permission from Treasurer if less than two signatories will be used in the operation of UNDP bank account. |
Responsible PartyHead of Office |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesThe operation of UNDP bank accounts requires two signatories. Exceptions to this rule require the written approval of the Treasurer. |
5 |
StepSelect members of signatory panel, who shall have the following characteristics:
Responsible PartyHead of Office |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesThe Head of the Office is accountable for the selection and performance of the panel member. The Head of the Office should nominate only those individuals who he/she feels demonstrate the integrity, and competency to perform the responsibilities of the role. |
6 |
StepInform Treasury of the Head of the Office approved changes through the established channel. Provide the full details of designated signers to the Treasurer by including the title, index number and contract status of the individual along with a legible copy of a currently valid and signed Laissez Passer or national passport. Request the changes in the signatory panel through the usual IDAM role assignment process (once the bank signatory change processes are migrated to IDAM). |
Responsible PartyOperations Manager, Head of Finance |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory Notes |
7 |
StepReview a list of staff who are authorized to sign routinely to ensure that the information is current and that there are sufficient - but not too many - signatories to ensure the smooth functioning of the office. |
Responsible PartyBusiness Unit Head |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesSignatory Panels are necessary to proper functioning of "Internal Controls" and function as one of the three authorities outlined in the Internal Control Framework. |
8 |
StepEnsure compliance with the segregation of duties for the role described in the Internal Control Framework. |
Responsible PartyHead of Office |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesI.e., a bank signatory must not prepare the bank reconciliation, nor create A/P vouchers or deposits; and where only one bank account signatory is authorized by the Treasurer, the signatory cannot also be a supplierapprover (i.e., cannot hold a Supplier Maintenance role in IDAM). |
9 |
StepEnsure that all disbursements from UNDP bank accounts are valid and approved payments. |
Responsible PartyHead of Office |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesThis responsibility is executed when signatories sign checks and/or approve bank transfers. |
10 |
StepEnsure that UNDP bank accounts are used for UNDP business only. |
Responsible PartyHead of Office |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesThis responsibility is executed when signatories sign checks or transmittal letters and/or approve manual payment instructions. |