The NEX Task Force is finalizing the following procedures: i) selection of implementing arrangements; ii) selection of implementing partners, including capacity assessments and a clarification of the distinction between systemic capacity assessment and implementation capacity assessment; iii) project appraisal; and iv) clarification of accountability under different implementing arrangements, of implementing partners, and for UNDP as a responsible party.These revisions will be accompanied by the release of a printed version of procedures for implementation by national governments (i.e. ‘ ...
The NEX Task Force is finalizing the following procedures: i) selection of implementing arrangements; ii) selection of implementing partners, including capacity assessments and a clarification of the distinction between systemic capacity assessment and implementation capacity assessment; iii) project appraisal; and iv) clarification of accountability under different implementing arrangements, of implementing partners, and for UNDP as a responsible party.
These revisions will be accompanied by the release of a printed version of procedures for implementation by national governments (i.e. ‘NIM’). These are scheduled for launch in the fourth quarter of 2009 after approval by senior management.