1 |
StepOpen bank account to receive advances. Note: The opening of a dedicated bank account for project/(s) is encouraged as a risk mitigation measure where deemed appropriate. However, where this option is not feasible or practical due to local regulations or other valid reasons, UNDP may permit the funds to be deposited in a central government bank account or bank account with funds from other sources provided the partner has a robust financial accounting system which accurately tracks funds provided by UNDP and is able to meet UNDP reporting requirements. |
Responsible PartyPartner |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesBank accounts opened by the Partners for advances should not be owned by UNDP or opened in UNDP’s name. UNDP offices should not make arrangements for opening or closing of project bank accounts operated by Partners, and UNDP staff should not be signatories on these accounts. The Partner is responsible and must implement strict controls including performing bank reconciliations at least monthly and must maintain supporting documents, in accordance with UNDP document retention policy, related to the utilization of funds provided by UNDP. Any interest earned in bank accounts from advances provided by UNDP must be distinctly itemized on the FACE forms. For traceability and reconciliation purposes, the earned interest needs to be reported on the Combined Delivery Report (CDR), which is the official document used by auditors and government counterparts. However, the use of revenue account (5xxxx) will prevent the earned interest to be reflected in CDR reports. As a result, offices should record this earned interest through Zero Dollar Invoice (ZDI):
The UNDP programme and finance team should ensure that the bank statement(s) are verified for evidence of the earned interest during assurance activities (audit or spot check).
2 |
StepProvide the UNDP office with a detailed record of authorized project personnel, including samples of their signatures. |
Responsible PartyPartner |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesThese authorities will have signed the annual work plan and UNDP offices should ensure FACE forms are signed by these designated officials. This record has to be kept in the UNDP office for internal control and assurance activities purposes. |
3 |
StepKeep project files and related records, and make necessary updates including: |
Responsible PartyUNDP Programme Officer |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesWhere a separate bank account is maintained by the Partner for receiving and tracking UNDP funds, UNDP offices should maintain up to date records of the bank account. |
4 |
StepPlan project activities in line with annual work plan for the next quarter |
Responsible PartyPartner, Project Director |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesAll payments against advance funds must be supported with purchase orders (for procurement reaching purchase order level), original quotations, invoices, goods received notes and original signed payment vouchers. All these documents must be kept by the Partner in their original forms and made available to the auditor and/or UNDP monitoring team when they request them during assurance activities (audits and spot checks etc) The amount requested must reflect a realistic forecast of funds needed for the period requested. A single advance must not exceed the realistic quarterly work plan which is ( Jan – Mar, April – June, July – Sept and Oct – Dec) of the accounting year). However, within the quarter, depending on the availability of funds and timing of receipt of contributions, more than one advance may be provided. A single advance must not provide funds that will be utilized over two quarters. |
5 |
StepPrepare, sign and submit FACE forms, including the ICE template, each time the project needs funds, and at least quarterly. Include a copy of the bank statement showing the closing cash balance for the relevant quarter. As necessary, include a reconciliation to the balance of cash funds available as shown in the FACE form. (The reconciliation does not apply if the Partner does not maintain a separate bank account for the project in question) |
Responsible PartyPartner |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesFACE forms to liquidate advances should be submitted to UNDP no later than 15 days after the end of each quarter. Offices may agree to reasonable extensions to this deadline after consultation with OFM but any extension should take into account the need to have the expenditures recorded before the quarterly closure of financial ledgers in UNDP's Quantum system. UNDP offices should ensure FACE forms are signed by designated officials as indicated in the annual work plan.
6 |
StepVerify FACE forms as submitted by the Partner. -Confirm that advance request is within available Quantum project budget and available resources. -Consider assurance activities (audit and spot checks) and existing assessment reports, and whether there are any grounds to withhold or reduce funding.
Responsible PartyUNDP Programme Officer |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesInternal control check one of three Do not neglect programme issues including findings from audits, assurance activities and capacity assessments. This is not simply a bookkeeping process. The advances should only be made where the programme officer agrees this is appropriate and necessary to achieve the programme outcomes. The Quantum UN Account Analysis Report (General Account Analysis Report) can be used to monitor advance issued to partners Advances should be requested by the Partner and charged in Quantum to the corresponding donor/fund combination, depending on activities involving expense and their associated funding. In this way, the reservation of funds corresponding to advances will be recorded in the correct donor fund. Only approve and sign the FACE form if all requirements of this section are successfully met. |
7 |
StepSubmit payment request and approved FACE form to GSSC for Payment. |
Responsible Party |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesThe UNDP Office should submit the request for payment together with the approved FACE form to GSSC. |
8 |
StepRaise a Quantum accounts payable (AP) prepayment invoice charging Advances account 16005 (NEX Advances) for advances or GL Expense account 7xxxx for reimbursement with the Partner (government department or other national institution) as the payee and the corresponding donor and fund combination. Ensure amount, currency, payee, account codes are consistent with the supporting FACE form. The FACE forms should be reviewed and approved by the UNDP programme officer who should ensure the appropriate distribution fields are reflected in the FACE form and in request to raise a prepayment invoice. The Quantum AP module invoice with supporting FACE form needs to be shared to the approving manager for the second approval level. |
Responsible PartyUNDP office Finance Officer/GSSC Payables unit |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesNever make vouchers payable to individual government or UN agency employees. The Partner should be the payee and ensure it matches the name on the recipient bank account. Advances shall only be made in local currency. Requests for non-local currency payments should be submitted to UNDP HQ Treasury for appropriate approval in line with POPP. When the project document or the annual work plan have clearly identified activities and expenditures to be incurred in non-local currency, UNDP HQ Treasury Approval is not required. All such cases should be approved by the Head of the Office. Any unspent balance must be returned by the partner in the same currency in which the advance was received. Offices should submit to GSSC the necessary supporting documents related to non-local disbursement. Any unsupported/ unexplained expenses which have not been explained to the satisfaction of UNDP offices should be rejected and offices should ensure the expenses are not resubmitted in subsequent reports by the Partner. |
9 |
StepApprove payment after review of the AP invoice and supporting FACE form for accuracy, consistency (amount, currency, payee, account codes) and proper authorization. Take into consideration any factors that would prevent UNDP from making payments e.g. fraud red flags and seek adequate explanation as appropriate |
Responsible PartyGSSC Payables unit |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesInternal control check two of three Approve Quantum accounts payable (AP) prepayment invoice in accordance with UNDP Office or GSSC payment approval thresholds. For Budget Checking: The voucher follows the same process as any other Quantum accounts payable (AP) prepayment invoice and disbursement (see POPP: Expense Management). All fields in the Quantum AP module Distribution in “Manage Distribution” including the Project Distribution segment (e.g. Project ID, Task ID, Responsible Party). |
10 |
StepDisburse funds. See POPP: Disbursing Funds. Run the PayCycle for approved payments and send the payment details to the designated bank in accordance with the established SOP. |
Responsible PartyGSSC Payments unit |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesInternal control check three of three. Non-local currency payments shall only be made, after the necessary approval stipulated in paragraph 9 of the Direct Cash Transfers and Reimbursements policy is obtained. |
11 |
StepLiquidation of direct cash transfers (advances) based on FACE forms: * Review reported expenses on the FACE form for reasonableness and consistency with programme activities, annual work plan, project document and/or other related agreements with UNDP. Verify that progress is being made towards the achievement of expected results. - Verify in Quantum that expenses have been disbursed and are reported in accordance with the provisions of the project budget and annual work plan and are consistent with project budget structure and chart of accounts (Project, Activity, Donor, Fund and Account). - Confirm that expenses are within available Quantum PPM budget, as well as available advance balances. * Ensure expense Distribution in Quantum AP module (Managed Distribution) matches the previously recorded advance Distribution. All fields in the Quantum AP module Distribution in “Manage Distribution” including the Project Distribution segment (e.g. Project ID, Task ID, Responsible Party). Ensure that expenses are in the same currency as related advances. Check the Partner signature for certification of expenses against the sample signature in project files. Based on the above verification and review steps:
Reject the FACE form, keeping a copy on file; return to the Partner with reasons for rejection. |
Responsible PartyUNDP Programme Officer |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesFirst internal control approval |
12 |
StepRecording of reported expenditures against the prepayment: The Partner uses a FACE form to report the expenses incurred from the cash advanced, after which a standard invoice is raised in Quantum AP module and applied against the prepayment invoice to recognise the expenditure.
For reimbursements that are reported after the closure of the pay cycle for the year. The excess expenditure reported above the prepayment amount will become payable on the standard invoice. If the excess expenditure is not paid by the year end, it will appear in Quantum as unpaid invoice, like any other unpaid invoice. Submit the Quantum AP module Invoice and supporting FACE form(s) to the approving manager. |
Responsible PartyGSSC Payables unit |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesIn Quantum accounts payable (AP) module, the standard invoice used to apply the prepayment liquidation will be paid if the reported expenditure exceeds the amount advanced to the partner. The funds are budget-checked (validated) for funds availability when the advance is made and recorded in account GL 16005 (NEX Advances), and when the expenditure is recorded. i.e., both the prepayment invoice and the standard invoice need to be validated. |
13 |
StepApproval of Quantum accounts payable (AP) standard invoice to record expenses: Ensure the payment is recorded in the period that the expenses were incurred by the partner and not when UNDP has signed off on the FACE form. |
Responsible PartyGSSC Payables unit |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesSecond and final internal control approval The invoice will record expense, and only at this point is delivery (i.e. expense) recognized in Quantum. |
14 |
StepReceive funds and make disbursements. |
Responsible PartyPartner, Project Director |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesThe partner makes disbursements according to the annual work plan and keeps records of all transactions. When more funds are needed, the project director proceeds again from step 3. |
15 |
StepReconcile the cash funds available as stated on the FACE forms to:
Responsible PartyUNDP Programme Officer |
Template/Guideline |
Explanatory NotesWhere there are errors in either the FACE form or Quantum, follow up promptly to resolve. |