The Travel and Transportation Section, Division of Administration, United Nations Department of Operational Support has updated the UNLP application form as the TTS.2 Supplementary form is no longer required. The updated TTS.2 (12-23) - English (for UNLP) and TTS.2 (12-23) - French (for UNLP) form is published in the Templates and Forms list on page 3 of the policy and in Step 2 of the Application for UN Laissez-Passer (UNLP) and UN Family Certificates (UNFCs) procedure. |
The Travel and Transportation Section, Division of Administration, United Nations Department of Operational Support has updated the UNLP application form and combined it with the TTS.2 Supplement Form. The updated TTS.2 (5-23)-E (for UNLP) form is published in the Templates and Forms list on page 3 of the policy and in Step 2 of the Applications for UN Laissez-Passer (UNLP) and UN Family Certificates (UNFC). |
Section 3.0 (procedures) has been updated to reflect the introduction of the UNall Service Portal. Changes were made to steps 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Application for UN Laissez-Passer (UNLP) and UN Family Certificates (UNFCs) procedure. Additionally, changes were made to steps 1 and 2 of the Application for UN Certificates (UNC) procedure. |
The United Nations Travel Documents Programme (UNTDP) within the Travel and Transportation Section (TTS) of the Department of Operational Support (DOS) has issued an amendment to “Standard Operating Procedure for the Issuance of United Nations Travel Documents” (SOP). Updated guidance for the provision of ‘Red Laissez-Passers Without Insert’ (referred to as Exceptional Red Laissez-Passers or ERLPs) is outlined in the new SOP. A submission template for ERLP requests is provided. RRs at the D1 level or below will not receive a red UNLP unless the request is signed off by the UNDP Administrator ... The United Nations Travel Documents Programme (UNTDP) within the Travel and Transportation Section (TTS) of the Department of Operational Support (DOS) has issued an amendment to “Standard Operating Procedure for the Issuance of United Nations Travel Documents” (SOP). Updated guidance for the provision of ‘Red Laissez-Passers Without Insert’ (referred to as Exceptional Red Laissez-Passers or ERLPs) is outlined in the new SOP. A submission template for ERLP requests is provided. RRs at the D1 level or below will not receive a red UNLP unless the request is signed off by the UNDP Administrator and approved by the USG of DOS. EXPAND
The United Nations Travel Documents Programme (UNTDP) within the Travel and Transportation Section (TTS) of the Department of Operational Support (DOS) has issued a "Standard Operating Procedure for the Issuance of United Nations Travel Documents" (SOP). This SOP supersedes the 2012 edition of "The Guide to the Issuance of United Nations Travel Documents" (the Guide) as of 1 April 2021. Due to constantly evolving security situations, the list of common criteria for exceptions that were previously applied (Section D, paragraph 10 of the Guide) no longer apply. Under the r ... The United Nations Travel Documents Programme (UNTDP) within the Travel and Transportation Section (TTS) of the Department of Operational Support (DOS) has issued a "Standard Operating Procedure for the Issuance of United Nations Travel Documents" (SOP). This SOP supersedes the 2012 edition of "The Guide to the Issuance of United Nations Travel Documents" (the Guide) as of 1 April 2021. Due to constantly evolving security situations, the list of common criteria for exceptions that were previously applied (Section D, paragraph 10 of the Guide) no longer apply. Under the revised procedures RRs at the D1 level or below will not receive a red UNLP unless the request is signed off by the UNDP Administrator and approved by the USG of DOS. The form to request the cancelation of a UNLP (TTS.7) has been updated by TTS. EXPAND
The UN Family Certificate Application form has been updated to follow the format of other UN TTS travel forms and is prefaced with instructions for completing the form. Template POPP ID:
Updated UN Certificate Application form and the templates for transmitting requests to and from the country offices. Removed the reference to the paper F-10 which has been replaced by online Travel Claim in Atlas T&E. Template POPP IDs: 1)Template for Application for UN Certificate (POPP-11-1272) |
Eliminated references to processing claims through the AP module. |
The UNLP Cancellation form is now available in the UN Travel Documents and National Passport policy. To facilitate the processing of returned travel documents, UN HQ Travel and Transportation Section (UN TTS) is requesting that each Laissez-Passer (LP) which is submitted for cancellation, without the application for a new LP, is sent along with this form (TTS.7).