The Solicitation policy has been updated in paragraph 47 to provide clarity on how to manage alternative bids in the solicitation process. |
The Advance Payment Bank Guarantee form is now available in French |
The Performance Security Form is now available in French.
The Performance Security Form is now available in Spanish. |
The following policies and procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system. Contracts Management (procedure only)Use of Online Quantum System (policy and procedures)Evaluation of Offers(policy only)Individual Contract (policy only)Procurement Authority and Increased Delegated Procurement Authority (policy only)Procurement Ethics, Fraud and Corrupt Practices (policy only)Procurement Forecasting and Delivery (policy and procedures)Procurement Methods (policy only)Solicitation (polic ...
The following policies and procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.
Contracts Management (procedure only)Use of Online Quantum System (policy and procedures)Evaluation of Offers(policy only)Individual Contract (policy only)Procurement Authority and Increased Delegated Procurement Authority (policy only)Procurement Ethics, Fraud and Corrupt Practices (policy only)Procurement Forecasting and Delivery (policy and procedures)Procurement Methods (policy only)Solicitation (policy and procedures)Submission and Receipt of Offers (policy only)Transactional Procurement Strategies and Procurement Planning (policy only)
The RFQ, RFP (for services $200K and above) and ITB templates have been updated to align with the new Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy (AML/CFT Policy) and now includes ‘ultimate beneficial owners’ as follows: (i) In the procurement self-certification sections in the RFQ template in Section 2: RFQ Instructions and Data, Eligibility and in Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form, Bidder’s Declaration, Prohibition, Sanctions. (ii) In Section 2. Instructions to Bidders, A. General Provisions, 3. Eligibility in paragraph 3.2 in the RFP template (for services $200K ... The RFQ, RFP (for services $200K and above) and ITB templates have been updated to align with the new Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy (AML/CFT Policy) and now includes ‘ultimate beneficial owners’ as follows: (i) In the procurement self-certification sections in the RFQ template in Section 2: RFQ Instructions and Data, Eligibility and in Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form, Bidder’s Declaration, Prohibition, Sanctions. (ii) In Section 2. Instructions to Bidders, A. General Provisions, 3. Eligibility in paragraph 3.2 in the RFP template (for services $200K and above) and in the ITB templates. For AML/CFT purposes (FATF Recommendation 24), the definition of ultimate beneficial owners focuses on the natural persons behind corporate entities. Ultimate beneficial owner means a natural person that exercises control over an entity through direct or indirect ownership, or has other means of influencing the Bidder such as through financing, close family relationships with the owners of the Bidder or through holding key positions within the Bidder. The updated templates are linked in paragraph 4 of the Solicitation policy. EXPAND