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The policy has been updated to incorporate language adjustments for clarity and in alignment with existing UNSMS policies and the following updates to the ‘Other travel related information’ section:

  • The ceilings on the maximum number of passengers per commercial flight have been adjusted and Bureau Directors have been added to the line of approval in alignment with the UNDP’s Framework of Accountability for Security policy
  • Approval from the BMS Director will be required for more than 30 personnel on the same commercial flight. 

​The Security Clearence policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.

​Updated the scope of individuals who may receive a full travel advance, reflecting the new PSA contract modalities, subject to certain conditions.

​The revised UNDP Security Clearance Policy ensures that all UNDP personnel on official travel on behalf of the organization obtain security clearance before travelling. The Policy provides key actors within the UNDP Security Framework of Accountability and UNDP personnel with guidance on security clearance. The policy has been aligned with recent UNSMS policy updates.

​The following policies are now available in Spanish. To access the content, click on the Spanish language tab of the respective policy page:Vehicle ManagementCorporate Purchasing CardTypes of Leases and Treatments in UNDP BooksAcquisition, Renewal and Termination of Premise LeasesEquipment LeasesRelocation ShipmentSecurity ClearanceDaily Subsistence AllowancePost TravelOther Travel Allowances and ExpensesRoute, Mode of Transportation, and Standard of Accommodation