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The policy has been updated to incorporate references to portfolio in alignment with the Portfolio Policy as a new delivery instrument.

The policy on pipeline has been updated to inform that pipeline is now tracked and managed in Quantum+ UNITY – “Partnership Opportunities” module. As a result, the pipeline is referred to as “Quantum+ Opportunity” and given a unique Opportunity ID. The non-core and XB (extra-budgetary) projection are now run in Quantum+ UNITY, with the adjusting factor being linked to the level of maturity of the respective pipeline. Pipeline/Quantum+ Opportunity is identified by a Maturity Stage. The Maturity Stage allows the user to define a level of Probability (as a percentage), that the pipeline ...

The policy on pipeline has been updated to inform that pipeline is now tracked and managed in Quantum+ UNITY – “Partnership Opportunities” module. As a result, the pipeline is referred to as “Quantum+ Opportunity” and given a unique Opportunity ID. 

The non-core and XB (extra-budgetary) projection are now run in Quantum+ UNITY, with the adjusting factor being linked to the level of maturity of the respective pipeline. Pipeline/Quantum+ Opportunity is identified by a Maturity Stage. The Maturity Stage allows the user to define a level of Probability (as a percentage), that the pipeline/Quantum+ Opportunity will result in a signed financing agreement and project document, if applicable. 

Resource Mobilization Forecast Reports across UNITY uses this adjustment factor to present both the Target Funding and calculate the Expected Funding based on the Maturity Stage and Probability of the Opportunity at the time the report is run.

Quantum+ UNITY “Partnership Opportunities” module captures and manages pipeline at the unit level as well as for corporate analysis.  The Quantum+ UNITY “Partnership Opportunities” module captures key information about pipeline/Quantum+ Opportunities, including brief description, maturity stage, implementing and funding partners, target funding (budget), sources of funding, approximate signature date, external partner contacts involved in the negotiations, currency, email communications, documents, related CPD output and more. Please refer to the Pipeline Management Guidelines and to Project Management Pipeline Management for more details.