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The new Knowledge Product Production and Quality Assurance policy has been published under the Programming Standards chapter of the PPM. The policy and procedures apply to all knowledge products produced by UNDP where UNDP is a co-author. They also introduce a new online process and requirements for the publication of knowledge products, while shortening the steps required for clearance. In addition to the policy and procedures, the related guidelines: Knowledge Product Production Guidelines have been published in the procedures. The document offers in-depth information on different knowledge ...

The new Knowledge Product Production and Quality Assurance policy has been published under the Programming Standards chapter of the PPM. The policy and procedures apply to all knowledge products produced by UNDP where UNDP is a co-author. They also introduce a new online process and requirements for the publication of knowledge products, while shortening the steps required for clearance. In addition to the policy and procedures, the related guidelines: Knowledge Product Production Guidelines have been published in the procedures. The document offers in-depth information on different knowledge product types, life cycle steps, production processes, and quality assurance standards.