The UNDP Service Request Form User Guide is now available in the POPP templates library (POPP 11-3143) and linked in the following clauses of the policies below:Furniture and Equipment: Acquisition and Maintenance (clause 9)Furniture and Equipment: Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (clause 20)Furniture and Equipment: Disposal and Write-Off (clause 1)Leasehold Improvements: Acquisition and Maintenance (clause 31.a.)Leasehold Improvements: Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (clause 9)Plant and Property: Acquisition and Maintenance (clau ...
The UNDP Service Request Form User Guide is now available in the POPP templates library (POPP 11-3143) and linked in the following clauses of the policies below:Furniture and Equipment: Acquisition and Maintenance (clause 9)Furniture and Equipment: Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (clause 20)Furniture and Equipment: Disposal and Write-Off (clause 1)Leasehold Improvements: Acquisition and Maintenance (clause 31.a.)Leasehold Improvements: Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (clause 9)Plant and Property: Acquisition and Maintenance (clause 11.b.)Plant and Property: Disposal and Write-Off (clause 5)
UNDP has changed its asset capitalization threshold from US $1,500 to US $5,000. This policy change will significantly reduce the volume (i.e. quantity) of assets in the asset register thereby allowing UNDP to focus attention on higher value items. The change in policy should also result in a more effective verification and certification process. UNDP has updated the following policies to reflect the changed asset capitalization threshold: 1.Furniture and Equipment: Disposal and Write-Off The following clause has been amended accordingly: 40 Additionally, the Asset Disposal Authority has inc ...
UNDP has changed its asset capitalization threshold from US $1,500 to US $5,000. This policy change will significantly reduce the volume (i.e. quantity) of assets in the asset register thereby allowing UNDP to focus attention on higher value items. The change in policy should also result in a more effective verification and certification process.
UNDP has updated the following policies to reflect the changed asset capitalization threshold:
1.Furniture and Equipment: Disposal and Write-Off
The following clause has been amended accordingly:
Additionally, the Asset Disposal Authority has increased from US $2,500 to US $5,000. Clauses 2, 4, 5, 15, 17, 19 and 22 of the policy have been updated accordingly.
2.Furniture and Equipment: Acquisition and Maintenance
The following clauses have been amended accordingly:
3, 5-7; 14; 35-37; 41, 43, 46, 48; 73 and 83.
3.Plant and Property: Acquisition and Maintenance
The following clauses have been amended accordingly:
1, 3, 5 and 21
4.Plant and Property: Disposal and Write-Off
The Asset Disposal Authority has increased from US $2,500 to US $5,000. Clause 4 has been updated accordingly.
5.Furniture and Equipment: Property, Plant and Equipment (PPandE)
The following clauses have been amended accordingly:
1, 4, and 5
The Plant and Property: Disposal and Write-Off policy is available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.
The updated Plant, Property and Equipment (PP&E) section clarifies the nature of NGO involvement in Asset Management processes in response to the newly revised Programme and Project Management (PPM) chapter and also reflect the change to the asset certification process approved by the Senior management as part of the recent business streamlining initiatives. |