The Daily Subsistance Allowance (DSA) policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab. |
Paragraph 31 of the policy has been updated to link to the DSA guidance for detail assignments per the Guidelines on Detail Assignments under the Recruitment and Selection policy, Human Resources Management. |
The POPP subprocess for DSA (para 31 c) reflects the elimination of AI issuance and the abolishment of IC’s on the topic. Specifically, the special DSA rates for NYC, GVA, and VIE which are available in the ICSC circular and no longer promulgated through an AI.
The policy has been updated to reflect the replacement of the schedule in ST/IC/2015/25 with revised rates for the daily subsistence allowance in New York, Geneva and Vienna: 31 c) After 120 days, normally at 60 percent of the first-60-days rate. The after-120-days DSA rates for New York, Geneva and Vienna, are published separately in the annex to UN circular ST/IC/2017/20. |
A full review and revision of duty travel policies and procedures include the following changes: 1. Official air travel will be provided through purchasing the lowest fare in the applicable class of service, including restricted and non-refundable fares. Any changes or cancellations could require the re-purchasing of tickets, so travel plans should be confirmed prior to issuing tickets. 2. Tickets may be purchased for travel at any time during the travel day based upon business requirements, replacing the present practice of ticketing fares between the hours of 9 am to 9 pm. If security rest ...
A full review and revision of duty travel policies and procedures include the following changes:
1. Official air travel will be provided through purchasing the lowest fare in the applicable class of service, including restricted and non-refundable fares. Any changes or cancellations could require the re-purchasing of tickets, so travel plans should be confirmed prior to issuing tickets.
2. Tickets may be purchased for travel at any time during the travel day based upon business requirements, replacing the present practice of ticketing fares between the hours of 9 am to 9 pm. If security restrictions exist they will be communicated to the traveler by UNDSS during the travel security clearance process. If the office deems they are unable to arrange appropriate transportation or are unable to address the staff member’s personal security concerns due to the timing or flight arrival or departure, an exception must documented (e.g. TR at HQ) and approved by an authorizing official.
3. Eliminate cabin class downgrading for the purpose of personal side trips.
4. Leverage economies of scale: For groups of 20 or more, offices are required to secure preferential rates for participant’s hotel accommodation. The benefits will be passed on to UNDP by establishing an ad-hoc DSA rate. Heads of Bureau shall review the location selection process and authorize the most economical option, including transportation, DSA and facilities costs.
5. Minimize the need for travel by requiring senior management approval for delegations of two or more staff in a similar substantive role, per Bureau, to participate in UN meetings, including for delegations led by ASG and above.
6. Strongly encourage the early purchase of tickets at least 21 days prior to travel to secure cheaper fares, and strongly discourage itinerary changes that result in change fees and higher airfares.
7. Consider Travel Alternatives/Go Green by a) strongly encouraging the use of virtual technology as a means of communication, and require the certification by managers that there are no alternative means which are feasible to meet the objectives of the proposed travel; b) strongly encouraging the use of public transport when the duration of the journey is less than five hours (e.g., train) when it results in cost savings; c) applying provisions of the sustainable procurement policy, when finalized, to the procurement of conference and hotel facilities for UNDP conferences; and d) encouraging staff to stay at “green” hotels, e.g. through local arrangement of corporate preferential rates in frequent destinations.
8. Withdraw the entitlement for overnight DSA while traveling on a plane, and commence paying DSA from the time that the traveler arrives at the destination. Early check-in fees are reimbursable for overnight fliers, up to a maximum of 50% of the applicable DSA rate for the location.
9. Reduce transit time currently included in determining business class entitlement from four hours to two hours.
10. Establish economy class as the mode of travel for learning and personal development, irrespective of the duration of the journey
11. For staff at the ASG level, provide economy class travel for journeys of four hours or less within the same continent (excluding overnight travel when the traveler must work upon arrival).
12. Provide 100% travel advance for SC holders up to a maximum of one month’s travel entitlements, provided the value of the advance does not exceed the remaining value of the SC contract. If the travel entitlement exceeds the value of the SC contract, 80% will be paid in advance.
13. Abolish the payment of terminal allowance when transportation is provided to the traveler.
14. Limit reimbursement for costs relating to obtaining a national passport to local staff required to travel outside of the country on official business travel.
15. Eliminate the requirement for purchase orders for business travel for Country Offices and Other Units Outside of HQ in New York.