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9 January 2023

Property, Plant and Equipment | Furniture and Equipment | Plant and Property | Leasehold Improvements | Corporate Purchasing Card | Lease Management (Premises and Equipment) | Establishing UNDP-supported presence outside a country office | Management of Local Presences | Duty Travel | Travel Requirements | Vehicle Management

The following policies have been updated to reflect UNDP’s transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system. Asset Management - Property, Plant and EquipmentAsset Management Property Plant Equipment PPE Furniture and EquipmentAcquisition and Maintenance (Furniture and Equipment)Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Furniture and Equipment)Disposal and Write-Off (Furniture and Equipment) Plant and PropertyAcquisition and Maintenance (Plant and Property)Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centra ...

The following policies have been updated to reflect UNDP’s transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system. Asset Management - Property, Plant and EquipmentAsset Management Property Plant Equipment PPE Furniture and EquipmentAcquisition and Maintenance (Furniture and Equipment)Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Furniture and Equipment)Disposal and Write-Off (Furniture and Equipment) Plant and PropertyAcquisition and Maintenance (Plant and Property)Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Plant and Property)Disposal and Write-Off (Plant and Property) Leasehold Improvements Acquisition and Maintenance (Leasehold Improvements) Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Leasehold Improvements) Disposal and Write-Off (Leasehold Improvements) Corporate Purchasing Card Corporate Purchasing Card Lease Management (Premises and Equipment) Type of Leases and Treatment in UNDP Books Acquisition, Renewal and Termination of Premise Leases Equipment Leases Management of Local Presences Developing a Business Case for Local Presence Clearing a Local Presence Setting Up a Local PresenceClosing a Local Presence Duty TravelAuthorizing Official Business TravelPost travelUN Travel Documents and National Passport (policy and procedures)Route, Mode of Transportation, and Standard of AccommodationVisas at Headquarters (New York) (policy and procedures) Vehicle ManagementVehicle Management

​The Amortizations, Reconciliations, Reports and Centralized Functions policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.

​The Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Leasehold Improvements) policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.

​The Equipment Leases policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.

​The Equipment Leases policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.

The Furniture and Equipment: Disposal and Write-Off policy has been updated to clarify that vehicle mileage is not a blank approval for vehicle disposal but is only a trigger to assess the vehicle for disposal and that full disclosure of the case and reasoning for vehicle disposal shall be provided in the RAD disposal form.

​The Furniture and Equipment: Acquisition and Maintenance policy has been updated to clarify that vehicle mileage is not a blank approval for vehicle disposal but is only a trigger to assess the vehicle for disposal.

​A new SLA between UNDP and UNDSS was signed in 2019, replacing the 2006 MoU. Clause 18 of the Furniture and Equipment: Acquisition and Maintenance policy has been updated to link to the new SLA.

11 February 2021

Property, Plant and Equipment | Furniture and Equipment | Plant and Property | Leasehold Improvements | Intangible Assets | Establishing UNDP-supported presence outside a country office | Management of Local Presences

The following policies are now available in Spanish. To access the content, click on the Spanish language tab of the respective policy page: Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Acquisition and Maintenance (Furniture and Equipment)Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Furniture and Equipment)Disposal and Write-Off (Furniture and Equipment)Acquisition and and Maintenance (Plant and Property) Disposal and Write-Off (Plant and Property) Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Plant and Property) Acquisition and Maintenance (Leasehold Improvement ...

The following policies are now available in Spanish. To access the content, click on the Spanish language tab of the respective policy page: Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) Acquisition and Maintenance (Furniture and Equipment)Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Furniture and Equipment)Disposal and Write-Off (Furniture and Equipment)Acquisition and and Maintenance (Plant and Property) Disposal and Write-Off (Plant and Property) Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Plant and Property) Acquisition and Maintenance (Leasehold Improvements)Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Leasehold Improvements) Disposal and Write-Off (Leasehold Improvements) Acquisition, Development and Maintenance (Intangible Assets) Amortizations, Reconciliations, Reports and Centralized Functions (Intangible Assets) Disposal and Write-Off (Intangible Assets)Developing a Business Case for Local PresencesClearing a Local PresenceSetting up a Local PresenceClosing a Local Presence

​​Publishing errors in the policy have been corrected.