Paragraph 12 b of the Sourcing and Market Research policy has been updated to include the Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) template which is a new template from the HLCM. |
The Vendor Sanctions policy is now available in French and Spanish. |
The Vendor Sanctions Policy was reorganized to ensure clarity and to better align with the functioning of the Vendor Review Commitee. Substantively, the main updates are (i) the inclusion of the Direct Review Process for cases that are deemed not to require a deliberative process; (ii) the clarification of the definition of a UNDP Vendor, providing for an exception under which the VRC may potentially consider cases concerning companies and individuals that do not fall under this category; and (iii) the inclusion of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), Sexual Harassment (SH), Human Trafficking ... The Vendor Sanctions Policy was reorganized to ensure clarity and to better align with the functioning of the Vendor Review Commitee. Substantively, the main updates are (i) the inclusion of the Direct Review Process for cases that are deemed not to require a deliberative process; (ii) the clarification of the definition of a UNDP Vendor, providing for an exception under which the VRC may potentially consider cases concerning companies and individuals that do not fall under this category; and (iii) the inclusion of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), Sexual Harassment (SH), Human Trafficking and Forced Labor as Proscribed Practices. EXPAND
The following policies are available in Spanish. To access the content, click on the Spanish language tab of the respective policy page:
Long Term Agreements (LTAs)
Pre-Award Negotiations
Requisition and Procurement of Goods, Civil Works and Services
Vendor Sanctions
The procedure table, "eTendering Approval Roles" has been added to section 3.0 of the Sourcing and Market Research main policy page. The template, "Management of the Approver Roles in ATLAS eTendering" is linked to step 1 of the procedure table and is available in the POPP library. The document provides guidance on eTendering, an Atlas module that enables UNDP buyers to manage tender processes online. |