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The Guidance Note on GMS (Indirect Costs) for International Financial Institutions (IFIs) has been revised to reflect that the GMS cost recovery rate applied for IFIs is based on the configuration of parties that enter into financing agreements with UNDP (and not on the ‘form’ or agreement template used). The revised guidance note further details that IFI preferential rates (5%) are applicable to financing agreements signed between UNDP and an IFI (or a tripartite agreement concluded by UNDP, IFI and the Government), where both of the following criteria apply:- UNDP anticipates signing fi ...

Disbursing Funds (Making Payments) | Prepayments | Regular Maintenance Accounts Payable | Refunds to Donors | Financial Statements | Record Retention, Data Security and Contingency | Certified Financial Reports | Maintenance and Usage of Chart of Accounts | Core Contributions | Non-Core Contributions | Revenue Management for Joint Programming | US Letter of Credit (LOC) Agreements | Accounts Receivable | Government Contribution to Local Office Costs (GLOC) from LIC and MIC | Inventory Management | Designation and Responsibilities of Signatories | Establishment and Use of Electronic Banking Systems | Opening and Closing of Bank Accounts | Cash Operations | Petty Cash Fund for Management Project (PCF) | Project Cash Advance (PCA) | Project Cash on Hand for DIM Projects (PCH) | Bank Account Reconciliation | Management of Cash Planning/Forecasting of Cash Flows | Management of Zero-Balance Account System | UNFCU Share Account Management | Supplier Banking Information Setup for IBAN | Electronic Funds Transfer Standards | Management of Petty Cash | Handling of Cash and Receipts Treasury | Project Petty Cash Fund (PPCF) | GMS Fee Set-up and Collection | Universal Price List (UPL) and Local Price List (LPL) | Multiple Funding Lines for Positions | Use of UPL and LPL | Harmonized Conceptual Funding Framework and Cost Recovery Methodology | Cost Recovery from Other Resources - GMS | Expenditure of Income Accrued from Cost Recovery | Government Contributions from Net Contributing Countries (NCCs) and High Middle-Income Countries (High-MICs) | Planning and Paying for Delivery Enabling Services to Projects | Service Clearing Account (SCA): Charging, Billing and Fee Collection | UN Agency Services | Pass-Through Fund Management: UNDP as a Participating UN Organization | Parallel Fund Management | Pass-Through Fund Management: UNDP as a Participating UN Organization | Pass-Through Management: UNDP as Administrative Agent (AA) | Pooled Fund Management

9 January 2023

Expense Management | Financial Closure of Development Projects and Trust Funds | Statutory Financial Reporting | Corporate Operations and Information Management | Regular Resources | Other Resources | Inventory Management | Banking Arrangement | Cash Arrangement | Cash Management | Enterprise Solutions | Cost Recovery from Programmes funded by Regular and Other Resources | Direct Project Costing | UN Agency Services | Joint Programming

The following policies and procedures have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system. Expense Management Disbursing Funds (Making Payments) (policy and procedures)Prepayments (policy and procedures)Regular Maintenance Accounts Payable (policy and procedures) Financial Closure of Development Projects and Trust FundsRefunds to Donors (policy only) Financial Operations ManagementFinancial Statements (policy only)Record Retention, Data Security and Contingency (policy only)Certified Financial ...

​The GMS rate table and contents are updated to reflect (i) Executive Board Decision on 5% for Individuals, (ii) OPG approval on applying 7% for Government Cost Sharing where UNDP provides support services to the government in its capacity as a Global Fund grant recipient, (iii) abbreviation changed from GFATM to GF, (iv) approval authority from Chief Finance Officer to BMS Director and (v) the updated table for Direct costs vs. Indirect costs from PPM.

​The GMS rate table is updated to reflect a minimum 7% for UN Secretariat Offices, Funds and Departments identified in the UN System Chart (yellow section) under the section on UN to UN Agency Contribution Agreement.

Updated the links on the Related Policies section. Updated links on step 2 of the Procedures table. Added template for inter-office memorandum on step 3 of the Procedures table.

​On June 11, the EG approved BMS’ recommendation to change the policy on the application of the GMS rates for International Financial Institutions (IFIs). A GMS rate of 5% is now applicable for all IFIs with an annual volume that exceeds $50M for loan or credit guarantee implementation support. The current GMS rate of 8% will continue to apply for grant financing, and to financing from IFIs below the annual volume threshold.A Guidance Note on GMS (Indirect Costs) for International Financial Institutions is available as a hyperlink in the table under clause 7 of the Cost Recovery from Other Res ...

​A table in clause 7 of the Cost Recovery from Other Resources - GMS policy was updated to include an additional line to clarify applicable cost recovery rates for the resources for Engagement facilities.

​The Cost Recovery from Other Resources - GMS policy was amended as follows in order to provide greater clarity. The various costs that are funded from projects and GMS are now presented in paragraph 17 instead of hyperlinks.

The Cost Recovery from Other Resources - GMS policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.

​Section 7 of the Cost Recovery from Other Resources - General Management Support (GMS) policy was updated to reflect that regarding agencies’ contribution to RCO activities, GMS should be applied in line with the corporate cost recovery policy, since the 2016 Advisory note for the UNDG Cost Sharing Funds for the RC system no longer applies and is hereby revoked as of 1 January 2019.