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​The updated RMT reflects the approval of the two-tiered approach for the shielding of the development activities for the budget period 2018-2021 and extended it to the 2022-2025 budget period.

​The project risk register template has been updated to align with the updated Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy which has been harmonized with the Social and Environmental Standards (SES) policy. The risk sub-categories in the Quantum + corporate planning system (capturing programme level risks) and in the Atlas project risk registers are now fully aligned with the project-level social and environmental standards. The offline project risk register template (Annex 2) is aligned with the risk entry system in the Quantum + corporate planning system and with the risk appetite to risk signif ...

​The project risk register template has been updated to align with the updated Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy which has been harmonized with the Social and Environmental Standards (SES) policy. The risk sub-categories in the Quantum + corporate planning system (capturing programme level risks) and in the Atlas project risk registers are now fully aligned with the project-level social and environmental standards. The offline project risk register template (Annex 2) is aligned with the risk entry system in the Quantum + corporate planning system and with the risk appetite to risk significance in the risk matrix (Annex 3).  The updated project risk register template has been published as follows: (a) in steps 1 and 2 of the Social and Environmental Standards procedures; (b) in step 3.3. of the Formulate Development Projects procedures; (c) in step 2.4 of the Monitor procedures.

​The project risk register template has been updated in Step 3.3 of the procedures to align with the updated Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy which has been harmonized with the Social and Environmental Standards (SES) policy. The risk sub-categories in the Quantum + corporate planning system (capturing programme level risks) and in the Atlas project risk registers are now fully aligned with the project-level social and environmental standards. The offline project risk register template (Annex 2) is aligned with the risk entry system in the Quantum + corporate planning system and with th ...

​The project risk register template has been updated in Step 3.3 of the procedures to align with the updated Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy which has been harmonized with the Social and Environmental Standards (SES) policy. The risk sub-categories in the Quantum + corporate planning system (capturing programme level risks) and in the Atlas project risk registers are now fully aligned with the project-level social and environmental standards. The offline project risk register template (Annex 2) is aligned with the risk entry system in the Quantum + corporate planning system and with the risk appetite to risk significance in the risk matrix (Annex 3).

​Updates were made in the policy to reflect UNDP Evaluation Guidelines as follows: (1) Under new programme development, paragraph 20 has been added providing guidance to the submission of CPD-costed evaluation plans; (2) Planning for evaluation section is updated with the addition of three new paragraphs 39, 40, 41 to address UNDP’s Strategic Plan 2022-2025 requirements on the need of strategic evaluations; to inform on Independent country programme evaluations and reflect accountability for the development of CPD evaluation plan.

​The “Oversight Readiness Capacity Assessment” (ORCA) tool (previously called the VF needs assessment tool) has been completed and fully digitized. The tool was developed by BPPS-NCE in consultation with the BMS and Regional Bureaus, as well as the BPPS - Effectiveness Group. The objective of the ORCA tool is to help UNDP effectively manage risks across its Vertical Fund portfolio and perform its Quality Assurance (QA) function (as Accredited Entity to specific Funds). Accordingly, the tool has been designed to assess adequacy of current resources and/or provisions needed at the CO to effectiv ...

​The “Oversight Readiness Capacity Assessment” (ORCA) tool (previously called the VF needs assessment tool) has been completed and fully digitized. The tool was developed by BPPS-NCE in consultation with the BMS and Regional Bureaus, as well as the BPPS - Effectiveness Group. The objective of the ORCA tool is to help UNDP effectively manage risks across its Vertical Fund portfolio and perform its Quality Assurance (QA) function (as Accredited Entity to specific Funds). Accordingly, the tool has been designed to assess adequacy of current resources and/or provisions needed at the CO to effectively perform its ‘oversight responsibilities’ when deciding to take on additional programming requests related to VF projects. The ORCA assessment tool can be accessed through the CO dashboard in PIMS+ and detailed instructions on how to use and access the tool is provided in the User Guide and FAQ documents uploaded to under “Formulate Development Projects” in POPP.

​The Country Programme Document (CPD) template has been updated to reflect the outcomes of the Strategic Plan 2022 – 2025 and includes references to the plan’s six signature solutions and three enablers. The updated CPD template is linked in Step 6.0 of the Formulate Programmes procedures.

​An updated version of the Project Origination SOPs, which now includes additional specific elements for GCF projects/programmes, has been provided which applies to all vertical fund programming. Furthermore, new PISC submission and assessment templates for GEF Enabling Activities (EAs) and Capacity Building Initiatives for Transparency (CBIT) have been developed and uploaded in POPP.

​New PISC templates have been developed for vertical fund global/regional projects in line with the existing Project Origination SOPs and RACI. The new templates include: 1) a submission form for global or regional teams to use when preparing for the PISC; 2) an assessment template for global or regional projects that will be used to evaluate the project during the PISC meeting. In addition, to ensure consistency, the existing PISC CO submission form and the existing PISC CO assessment template have been updated to align with the new submission form and assessment template for global/regio ...

​New PISC templates have been developed for vertical fund global/regional projects in line with the existing Project Origination SOPs and RACI. The new templates include: 1) a submission form for global or regional teams to use when preparing for the PISC; 2) an assessment template for global or regional projects that will be used to evaluate the project during the PISC meeting. In addition, to ensure consistency, the existing PISC CO submission form and the existing PISC CO assessment template have been updated to align with the new submission form and assessment template for global/regional projects. The One Stop Shop for Vertical Fund Projects has also been updated with the latest links to documents related to vertical fund programming.

​The GEF RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed) matrix for NIM projects has been updated. The GEF RACI clarifies the responsibilities and accountabilities of the various UNDP business units in overseeing GEF projects from origination to closure.

​The regional programme document template in Step 6.0 ALT 1 of the Formulate Programmes procedure has been updated to its latest version of 2021.