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The project document template has been updated to reflect the following:1. ‘Digital by Default’ is now embedded in project design ;2. Additional text added to ensure consistency with the principles of the UNDP Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy.;• Updated definition of sexual harassment;• Additional text added to reflect the newly introduced Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) policy;• Updated link to the United Nations Security Council Consolidated Sanctions List;• In the option for DIM implementation, additional te ...

​The Opening and Closing of Bank Accounts policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.

​The Handling of Cash and Receipts Treasury policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.

​The Management of Cash Planning/Forecasting of Cash Flows policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.

​The Procurement of Banking Services policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab.

​The policy is amended for UNDSS Cash Arrangement by further clarifying the roles and responsibility for PPCF funded from UNDSS Core budget and CO Local Cost Shared Security Budget (LCSSB).

​The SOP for e-banking has been updated with version 3 which contains the most current processes aligning with the clustered finance functions in the GSSU.

​An explanatory note was added to clause 1 of the Project Petty Cash Fund (PPCF) policy for the “Support to NIM” implementation.

​An explanatory note was added to clause 1 of the Project Cash on Hand for DIM Projects (PCH) policy for the “Support to NIM” implementation.

​Additional guidance has been captured in the Safe Management policy for the Safe Deposit Lockbox for the purpose of off-site storage of IT devices.