The project document template has been updated to reflect the following:1. ‘Digital by Default’ is now embedded in project design ;2. Additional text added to ensure consistency with the principles of the UNDP Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy.;• Updated definition of sexual harassment;• Additional text added to reflect the newly introduced Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) policy;• Updated link to the United Nations Security Council Consolidated Sanctions List;• In the option for DIM implementation, additional te ... The project document template has been updated to reflect the following: 1. ‘Digital by Default’ is now embedded in project design ; 2. Additional text added to ensure consistency with the principles of the UNDP Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy.; • Updated definition of sexual harassment; • Additional text added to reflect the newly introduced Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) policy; • Updated link to the United Nations Security Council Consolidated Sanctions List; • In the option for DIM implementation, additional text has been added to address: a) Obligations on sub parties relating to SEA/SH; and b) Obligations of sub parties relating to SES; • In the option for UN Agency implementation an additional sentence was added on SEA/SH, which goes as follows: “The Implementing Partner will ensure that its regulations, rules, policies and procedures are consistent with the principles of UNDP relating to SEA and SH requirements.”. 3. The Project Organization Structure has been updated to provide clarity on oversight and implementation, including the Project Board ToR (as annex to the project document) and FAQ; 4. Capacity Assessment has been specified to include the Partner Capacity Assessment Tool (PCAT) as an annex to the project document; 5. To include the On-Granting Provisions Applicable to the Implementing Partner (Grant Making Institution facilitating on-granting) as an annex to the project document, if applicable. The updated Project Document template is included as hyperlink in Step 3.0 Develop a project document that adheres to UNDP quality standards and partner requirements of the Procedures. EXPAND
The Opening and Closing of Bank Accounts policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab. |
The Handling of Cash and Receipts Treasury policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab. |
The Management of Cash Planning/Forecasting of Cash Flows policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab. |
The Procurement of Banking Services policy is now available in French. To access the document, click on the French language tab. |
The policy is amended for UNDSS Cash Arrangement by further clarifying the roles and responsibility for PPCF funded from UNDSS Core budget and CO Local Cost Shared Security Budget (LCSSB). |
The SOP for e-banking has been updated with version 3 which contains the most current processes aligning with the clustered finance functions in the GSSU. |
An explanatory note was added to clause 1 of the Project Petty Cash Fund (PPCF) policy for the “Support to NIM” implementation. |
An explanatory note was added to clause 1 of the Project Cash on Hand for DIM Projects (PCH) policy for the “Support to NIM” implementation. |
Additional guidance has been captured in the Safe Management policy for the Safe Deposit Lockbox for the purpose of off-site storage of IT devices. |