The Consultancy Duration and Daily Fee Approval Form (POPP-11-3371) is now linked to the Individual Contract policy in clauses 18, 28, and 40. |
The Individual Contract Procurement Notice template is now available inSpanish. It is linked in clause 81 of the Spanish IC policy and found in the POPP templates library (document ID POPP-11-3027). To access the document, click on the Spanish language tab.
The template, Individual Contract On Behalf of a UN Agency, is now available inEnglish (document ID POPP-11-3021) andSpanish (document ID POPP-11-3020). These are available in the POPP templates library.
The Offerors Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability is available in French and is available in the template library.
The Individual Contract main policy is available in Spanish. To access the document, click on the Spanish language tab. |
In the Individual Contracting policy, Selection of Individual Contractors (section 69) and the Direct Contracting provision (section 112) were updated to reflect that the threshold of no-competition for ICs can be increased to $10,000 if approved by the Bureaus. The direct contracting template for Individual Contractors was updated accordingly.
The updated policy reflects the procedure for increasing the no-competition threshold for ICs to $10,000. Other changes include the removal of P11, an updated template for Offerors’ Letter; updates on reference checks and the change of the required age for medical examination to 65 from 62. |
[Updated] Individual Contractors policy (IC): Restrictions concerning former staff members in receipt of a pension benefit. The policy was updated to align it with the new HR policy on maximum compensation to be paid to former staff members on pension benefit. 120. Employment of former staff members who are in receipt of a pension benefit from the UNJSPF shall be subject to the following restrictions: a) Former staff members may not receive compensation of more than US$ 50,000 for up to six months of employment or engagement, without suspension of his or her UNJSPF retirement benef ... [Updated] Individual Contractors policy (IC): Restrictions concerning former staff members in receipt of a pension benefit. The policy was updated to align it with the new HR policy on maximum compensation to be paid to former staff members on pension benefit. 120. Employment of former staff members who are in receipt of a pension benefit from the UNJSPF shall be subject to the following restrictions: EXPAND
[Updated] Individual Contractors Policy (IC): Determining a competitive process for Individual Contractors (ICs). The policy was changed to align the requirements of a competitive process for ICs with that of RFQ/ITB/RFP- Sourcing of candidates: 70a. An individual contractor selection process is considered competitive, even if it results in less than three responsive bids. An award may still be made, but approval depends on due diligence to ensure that sourcing was properly conducted, and that the limited market response was not the result of a restrictive short list or unsuitab ... [Updated] Individual Contractors Policy (IC): Determining a competitive process for Individual Contractors (ICs). The policy was changed to align the requirements of a competitive process for ICs with that of RFQ/ITB/RFP- Sourcing of candidates: 70a. An individual contractor selection process is considered competitive, even if it results in less than three responsive bids. An award may still be made, but approval depends on due diligence to ensure that sourcing was properly conducted, and that the limited market response was not the result of a restrictive short list or unsuitable sourcing strategy. EXPAND
The security and safety of UNDP personnel is the highest priority in delivering UNDP's mandate around the world. Since 2004, UNDP has put in place an internal cost allocation mechanism to fund the corporate security costs. At its meeting on 3 March 2016, the OPG authorized the central recovery of security and insurance costs related to Individual Contractors (ICs), thus treating them in a similar way to other UNDP contract holders. As a result, effective 1 April 2016, the following security charges at the same level as the rates for staff, UNV and SC holders will be applied to the professiona ...
The security and safety of UNDP personnel is the highest priority in delivering UNDP's mandate around the world. Since 2004, UNDP has put in place an internal cost allocation mechanism to fund the corporate security costs.
At its meeting on 3 March 2016, the OPG authorized the central recovery of security and insurance costs related to Individual Contractors (ICs), thus treating them in a similar way to other UNDP contract holders. As a result, effective 1 April 2016, the following security charges at the same level as the rates for staff, UNV and SC holders will be applied to the professional fees of ICs (excluding payments for travel and/or Daily Subsistence Allowance):4.25% for duty stations H, A, B & C6.25% in duty stations D & E.The above percentages are based on the capital city's hardship classification for the hiring Unit, and will be recovered by HQs on a regular basis against the budget(s) used for the payment of the IC. Therefore, all offices must ensure when planning that these costs are included in their project budgets (refer to Annex I for detailed guidance).