Minor editorial changes redirecting links in the policy to the Security Office SharePoint page. |
The UNDP Security Office launched its new Intranet webpage, and therefore links to documents referenced therein have been updated in the policy in the following paragraphs: 13, 22b, 26. |
The Security Policy is now available in French and Spanish. To access the document in these languages, click on the Spanish or French language tab.
In line with the UNSMS Commercial Air Travel Safety Policy requiring that each UNSMS entity establishes an internal mechanism in its decision-making process to determine whether an air operator should be used for the official travel of their personnel, the UNDP Commercial Air Travel Safety Guidelines have been revised in alignment to the revision of the UNSMS policy. The guidelines further define the role of UNDP Managers approving air travel of UNDP personnel, clarifies responsibilities, and introduces the ad-hoc approval process for the use of commercial air operators, in addition to time-l ... In line with the UNSMS Commercial Air Travel Safety Policy requiring that each UNSMS entity establishes an internal mechanism in its decision-making process to determine whether an air operator should be used for the official travel of their personnel, the UNDP Commercial Air Travel Safety Guidelines have been revised in alignment to the revision of the UNSMS policy. The guidelines further define the role of UNDP Managers approving air travel of UNDP personnel, clarifies responsibilities, and introduces the ad-hoc approval process for the use of commercial air operators, in addition to time-limited blanket authorization approval process of a commercial air operator, not included in the UNDP global booking list. EXPAND
The Framework of Accountability for Security policy is now available in Spanish. To access the document, click on the Spanish language tab. |
The Framework of Accountability for Security policy was updated to align with recent UNSMS policy updates, clearly define accountability/role of the UNV and UNCDF Executive Heads, the most senior UNDP staff at the country level following the RC/RR delinking process, as well as the roles of the Agency Country Security Focal Points at the country level. Other editorial and straightforward changes have also been made to streamline content. |
The Air Travel Risk Management Guidelines have been revised to reflect a new UN Security Management System Air Travel Policy. Theseguidelines are applicable to all UNDP Personnel on official travel via Commercial Air (Transport) Operators, UN Chartered Flights and Donated Flights. To facilitate booking of flights, a Global Booking List of Airlines Pre-approved for Travel by UNDP Personnel has been made available on the UNDP Intranet via the following link. For Airlines which are not pre-approved (and therefore not included in the UNDP Global Booking List), the guidelines provide for an evidenc ...
The Air Travel Risk Management Guidelines have been revised to reflect a new UN Security Management System Air Travel Policy. Theseguidelines are applicable to all UNDP Personnel on official travel via Commercial Air (Transport) Operators, UN Chartered Flights and Donated Flights. To facilitate booking of flights, a Global Booking List of Airlines Pre-approved for Travel by UNDP Personnel has been made available on the UNDP Intranet via the following link. For Airlines which are not pre-approved (and therefore not included in the UNDP Global Booking List), the guidelines provide for an evidence-based risk assessment methodology, enabling informed decision making by the UNDP Managers with Signature Authority before use of these airlines.
Security Management chapter of POPP has been updated with Security Policy and Framework of Accountability for UNDP Managers and Personnel within the UN Security Management System. The revised Security Policy focuses on ”how to stay rather than when to go.” It is about the management rather than the avoidance of risk. It also encompasses issues regarding the complementarity between UNDSS and Security Office/BoM, and clarification on access to security funds, medical and casualty evacuations and lines of authority. The purpose of the Framework for Accountability is to provide clear guidance on h ... Security Management chapter of POPP has been updated with Security Policy and Framework of Accountability for UNDP Managers and Personnel within the UN Security Management System. The revised Security Policy focuses on ”how to stay rather than when to go.” It is about the management rather than the avoidance of risk. It also encompasses issues regarding the complementarity between UNDSS and Security Office/BoM, and clarification on access to security funds, medical and casualty evacuations and lines of authority. The purpose of the Framework for Accountability is to provide clear guidance on how to enable the conduct of UNDP activities within the United Nations Security Management System, while ensuring the safety, security and well-being of personnel, premises and assets. EXPAND
The planned review date and policy co-focal point of the policy page have been updated. |