Pension Fund
The United Nations Joint Pension Fund (UNJPF) provides participating staff members with benefits in the event of death, disability, separation from service before retirement age, or upon retirement. The United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) ( was established by the General Assembly (GA) to provide retirement, death, disability, and related benefits for the staff of the United Nations and other organizations admitted to membership in the Fund. The Fund is administered by the UNJSPF Board together with staff pension committees from each member organization, with a secretariat to the Board and to each such committee (in tripartite and equal representation). The assets of the Fund are property of the Fund and are acquired, deposited, and held in the name of the UN on behalf of the participants and beneficiaries of the Fund; however, the assets are held separately from those of the UN and can be used only for the purposes stated in the Fund's Regulations.